Help out some newbies at the Oregon Event?

I've got 2 new guys coming. They've both got character ideas and weapons, but I don't have enough armor to go around. One is Michael, he's NPCed a few times in Seattle, he's shorter then me and skinny, and will be playing a stone elf. The other is a little shorter then me but a little bigger, will be playing a human. Both need all the armor they can mooch. I've got a few things, but not a lot. If anybody has any bonus armor they wouldn't mind lending out for the weekend, they'd really appreciate it.
Sorry bro, but the slut mail is out of the area (and Rendered for that matter go gypsie fighter!).
I might be able to loan one of them my vest of chainmaille, assuming my brother approves (technically it's his vest and fitted to him). It's 12lbs and worth 9 points at minimum, not including bonus points.

That's all the armor that I personally have that I can loan out.
I've got a pickle barrel breastplate covered in suede, leather half-guantlets (guantlets may be small), a leather forearm guard with a strap of steel and a steel elbow, and some leg armor made from conveyor belt material and articulated knees. Items from my SCA days that I can bring. I'd bring my shield but it needs a lot of work before it is Alliance approved. And the padding in my helmet is too small for most people's heads...

I also have some shin armor, but deemed magic items in Seattle. Can phys-reps be used if the tag is not?