Help understanding some things please!


Hello All,
I have a question regarding some of the abbreviations used on this site.
Now the common ones like:

PC- Playable character
NPC- non playable character
IG- in game
OOG- out of game
These I get but there are a ton of others I have no idea what they mean
- for example,
Rez, Rezzed, and Rezzing-- what does this mean?
and PVP
There are others as well, so if someone could help me out I'd really appreciate it.
Is there a page that has a list of the abbreviations?
thanks so much!
Rez is an abbreviation for resurrecting. It's what happens to everyone in the in game world when they die. you get two resurrections for free and after that it gets progressively harder and harder to rez again.
PVP stands for Player vs. Player.

It's a reference to PCs killing each other for various reasons.
And it is for those various reasons that I'll probably be killed at the next event.
Oh dear! I'm so sorry to hear about your impending demise- but thank you for the information!
I'll be fine. Probably. Its only my first death any way.