Help us reclaim the Deadlands

Brothers and Sisters,

The undead scourge of the Deadlands is not gone, but it is no longer an endless, insurmountable force. In kind, the realm beyond the Harvestlands is fertile, so it is time for us to begin the long, hard task of reclaiming the continent of Laerthan – not with otherworldly aid, but by our own hands.

We need your help. I’m gathering resources and developing plans to retake a section of land large enough to be a protectorate under the Crown.

I will be traveling about the baronies of Authenrai and Lothian looking for families, farmers and skilled craftsman interested in owning their own land outside of Eire, but I will need help from my fellow adventures first and foremost.

If I have ever helped you in any way and you wish to repay that favor, or if you just like helping folks interested in making better lives for their families and fellow citizens, please contact me.

Citizens from other lands will be welcome to settle in this protectorate as well.

Thank you,


(Feel free to post in reply but please also email me at .)
You've tried your best to help me; even when I didn't ask for it or didn't deserve it. I am interested in repaying that debt.

I can't build a house, sow a field or milk a cow, but I can destroy undead or whatever else is hiding out there.

I pledge my blade; if you will have me.

Santet, scouting and clearing the land for safe settlement is the first thing we need to do, so your help will be invaluable.

You know I will.
