Help wanted - magic caster

I be needin someone to help with a bit of magics. My apprentice be not strong enough to handle the power yet, and I need a bit of protection magic casted.
There be 2 spells he tells me, 1 for Armor & 1 for Duration.
I got a few coin & potions that I can trade for services.

-Snows on the Wind

I would recommend speaking to either myself, Baron Lissenstine of Keystone Village, or Guildmaster Alavatar of the Brotherhood of the Star this coming weekend in Iron Falls. Either of us is likely to be able to assist you in what you need.

-Polare Lissenstine
There is also Master Huge from the Brotherhood as well if he would be willing to help.

Hugh is no longer capable of casting formal or battle magic, so I have been told by my husband.

/oog: this will be a custom mod Friday 2nd prior to lay on.