Help wanted


Personal assistant needed.

Must be humanoid
Have the ability to read and write (training can be provided)
Provide at least one reference
Payment and job duties will be discussed at interview

Being comfortable with Biata mind abilities use on
and around your person is not require but preferred

Please contact in dream realm

Le'Serras Moondown of Esronnel, Banking entrepreneur
I have one question,

what do biata mind abilities have to do with banking?

Seem simple, some kinda security.

Anyone d'at be okay wit' casual an'-or reg'lar use o' mind invasion need to 'ave d'ere 'ead examined, as it were.

Dey ain' right.
Dhat's what I was t'inkin'. I only 'ave a passing familiarity wit' how biata mind t'ings work...but dhey are nye dhat powerful, right? Anyone can just block dhem out even when dhey are in, nye?
Biata mind abilities have nothing to do with banking. But seeing as I am a biata and I would much prefer to use them for communication, I would much rather have an assistant who is comfortable with such things. Keep private conversations private.
Exactly wot kind o' pay are we talkin' 'ere?

... Wait, never mind. I can't read yet, never learned.

So it seems I may have a few new students coming next market. If you wish to learn to read and write I will show you for free if you really seek this job. Knowledge is meant to be shared and make life that much more enjoyable.
Le'Serras am you in Wayside? I am no how tah read an' rite. Let mah know if ya be need'n any 'elp readin or rit'n.

Oh, oh, I do, I do!

*waves her hand wildly*

You 'ave no idea 'ow 'ard it's been for me to find teachers when I've looked- and I've been looking! Perhaps there migh' even be a free treat from my wares in it for those who 'elp me learn somethin' new.

-Miss Alyce Sharp