J Josh McLain Novice Feb 16, 2010 #1 I thought I had your phone number but apparently I don't. Call me or send me an email. If you see Elliot let him know to get a hold of me.
I thought I had your phone number but apparently I don't. Call me or send me an email. If you see Elliot let him know to get a hold of me.
G Gandalf_The_Pwn Novice Feb 16, 2010 #2 wow, i haven't been to this site since the last larp. i guess i felt the shining. so whats up dude? i know you told me to change my name, but it wont let me. -Elliot
wow, i haven't been to this site since the last larp. i guess i felt the shining. so whats up dude? i know you told me to change my name, but it wont let me. -Elliot
M Mathis Adept Feb 17, 2010 #3 That's ok we still like you, but seriously get a hold of Jorsh or I asap.