Hey, Weapon Marshals! (Latex Question)


Just a shout out for the weapons marshals around here with a quick question. What are you looking for when approving a latex weapon for play in Southern Minnesota? I'm considering picking one up for a character, but don't want to put a couple hundred into a rep I can't use for the character I wish it for. :)

Edit : Specifically, I'm looking at something from Calimacil. I've handled and sparred with a few of their weapons, and love 'em, but they are a few grams heavier than a boffer and have a greater perceived force due to smaller edges. They are the standard for many, many other games that have been using latex for years now, though.
As with all latex weapons, it is a case-by-case basis. The criteria for inspecting a latex weapons specifically look for wear on the weapons that would cause the striking surface to either be too rigid (melting, protective coating failing and the weapon hardening, etc) or too soft (resulting in strikes with the core, caused by any number of reasons, including wear and tear of use).

While I cannot make a blanket statement on them, I have used and played with many Calimacil weapons and they are some of the best out there. I foresee no issues with them passing.
Alrighty. That was what I was looking for. I really like the ones I've gotten to play with, as they handle a lot more like a real sword than a boffer. Just didn't want to show up to game with one and have it fail due to a blanket ban rather that due to condition. :)
Our owner has his own latex weapon, so a blanket ban is out of the question. :thumbsup:
Maybe Steven has had some good experience with Calimacil weapons, but as another weapons marshal here to be honest in my experience Calimacil weapons are actually one of the few brands of Latex weapons that I have an issue with. Like you said they handle more like a a real sword because they are so heavy. Because they are often very hard AND heavy, it often leaves me feeling like you really aught to be wearing real metal armor to to want to get hit with them.

However like Steve said every latex weapon is judged on case by case basis so it would really come down to the specific weapon in question.

But we certainly do allow latex weapons in Sothern MN. There is no blanket ban. :)
There is no blanket ban.

I've actually been considering banning some type of blankets, like those made with horse hair, but I suppose that's a separate issue... :funny:
dam! My blanket plans are ruined... :yummy:
Tengdin : having just fought someone better than I am with brand new still stiff Calimacils, I really disagree. They are no harder than what Nerf markets to ages 6-10, and the weight is still only around 400 grams. It would require seriously unsafe levels of force to be dangerous, much like any boffer.
You can disagree all you want, I'm just telling you what my experience and/or initial reaction would be like you asked...
I understand the issues our marshals have with latex weaponry, but what about shields? Considering that you're not supposed to be hitting people with them anyways, would a latex one be allowed as long as the dimensions were legal and it didn't have any glaring safety issues (big spikes, hard as a rock, etc.)?
Yea latex shields should especially be fine. Just make sure they are within the dimensions.