Heya everyone, another "would people like this" thread-Trapped Chests

Hey guys.

I'm looking to get into a new craft over the winter, and I think I'd like to look into making deployable traps for larps. Looking at trapped chests, tripwires, etc. The research I've done suggests that the training and thinking is by far the worst part, the materials just aren't that expensive. Oh. And the watch lists. I'm certain if I wasn't on one yet, I'm on one now.

So I'm looking at getting some mid-sized chests and trapping them for PC use, and researching how to make mod-style traps for the Plot-side. If there's enough interest, I'll go whole hog into it, if not I'll just have another weird side hobby.

I’d love to utilize trapmaking more often on mods, but the hardest part for me is the setup involved.

If you’re able to figure out how to set up traps quickly (or heck if anyone reading this has any tips), that’d be awesome!

So as far as setup, If I buy ANY materials, I'll have leftovers and be able to walk Plot through rigging them quick enough to catch unwary PCs that like walking in the dark (#buymytorches), or PCs that want to utilize them on mods. If I go this route, it probably means I'm going Trapmaking with my guy, though. Gonna be an Artisan again, aren't I?

So as far as setup, If I buy ANY materials, I'll have leftovers and be able to walk Plot through rigging them quick enough to catch unwary PCs that like walking in the dark (#buymytorches), or PCs that want to utilize them on mods. If I go this route, it probably means I'm going Trapmaking with my guy, though. Gonna be an Artisan again, aren't I?


It's really a lot better in 2.0. Still not great. But you can pick up like 2 profs. A bit of magic and probably like a dodge or 2. Then a ton of trade skills and still be able to go out and do things with out dumping your gold into everything.