Hi from your friendly plot team!

Hey Everyone, I realize this may be somewhat random. But those of us on the plot team just wanted to make a post about how we work and how we've organized to try and make this game run as best we can. I'm also sort of hoping that perhaps by telling everyone how we are organized some aspiring writers out there might be interested to contribute some plot or even join the team! :)

We have weekly meetings for about 1-2 hours (currently on Sunday nights) where we talk any plot related subject. We assign various IG plot lines to different members of the team to head up. For example I'm heading up the Celestial Guild plot and Emilyn has been heading up the Martial Guild plot. We also maintain a private plot board where we post all our planned mods and town encounters for any event. All the IBGA's we receive get posted to that plot board, and we assign all IBGA's to one or more plot members to be answered before each event.

For events we also try to outline the major 'plot arc' of each event 3-4 weeks ahead of time and start assigning individual plot members what mods and town encounters they are going to write. 90% Of the actual writing for events is done individually between plot meetings. Usually we set a 'drop dead' date a week or so before a given event that all plot needs to be posted to our board in written form by, or it doesn't get run. And keep in mind all this work that is done is on a volunteer basis for our love of the game.

And as a teaser for everyone, we have additionally made it a goal to write much more in depth race packets for every race. We intend to hopefully finish these expanded race packets before the end of the year. These race packets will incorporate what has been written and published so far, as well as events that have occurred in game. As with all plot while we strive to develop a good deal of new content we are also always working to integrate stuff that has happened over the past years. Sometimes legacy plot, and older plot information can take a bit longer to get at and piece together.

We hope this information may encourage everyone PC or NPC that we are doing a lot of work to try and make sure this game is as good as we can offer! If there are folks out there who enjoy NPC'ing or want to NPC full time but want to have recurring roles email plot@mnalliance.com and we'll try to make it happen! And on that note we are certainly interested in anyone who would want to join the plot team and perhaps NPC full time. It's a ton of fun, you get to come to all our special plot gatherings and write fantastically fun stories for everyone to enjoy! :)

All the best, can't wait to see everyone in April!
Thanks all NPC/Staff for everything each game and thanks for posting!
If thorador perms... lol.
Thanks for the info, it is rather enlightening and may help my work with the chicago folk.
I am looking forward to this season =)