Hi There


Hi, my name is Corbell Sheppard, I am thinking about coming next market, and wanted to know if there is anything I should look out for.

Also, if anyone needs help with any problems feel free to let me know, and I can try to help you with them.
Bandits Squire Corbel, assuming you are one of the 4 Squires Baron Foss mentioned last gathering. There are a lot of bandits outside of the city walls, so much of securing the trade routes and roads will need much assistance.

- Cass

The adventurers are new to this land of Erabella, so we dont know a lot of the persistent threats that other lands may have, but as Cass said bandits seem to be a concern everywhere.

Other things to worry about are the Royalist army who are posed as our main enemy at the moment and the blighted undead. The royalists tend to wear gold, though not all of them do, so be wary of any armed force wearing mostly gold. The blighted undead seem to be normal undead, but when you make contact with them they infect you with some sort of illness. We dont know a whole lot about it at the moment but we recommend forgoing any treasure or object found on their bodies or have a cure disease spell or potion ready.

If you have not already heard from Foss about our situation, feel free to read my notes from the last gathering to inform yourself, which are posted here on the dreaming. Otherwise feel free to find me at the gathering and I will be happy to fill you in.

Zen Mallowbrooks

I may be wrong, but didn't the royalists wear purple as their color. I remember Sir Daniels question Zir about wearing a purple sash.

Baron Fairfax

I may be wrong, but didn't the royalists wear purple as their color. I remember Sir Daniels question Zir about wearing a purple sash.

Baron Fairfax

You are correct, the Loyali... er, the Royalists are the ones who wear purple.

I apologize. I made that comment in haste without checking my notes. The royalist color is indeed purple, the royal color.

Zen Mallowbrooks
Corbel you may find yourself in some company...

After the recent visit from a few adventures from here, they have encouraged many to visit... So, I will likely join you at the next market.

Squire Rusty, Squire DeSylvia, & Beryl were also present for the conversation and likewise seemed interested. I would not be surprised if they find them-self emerging from the mists as well.

For those who may have need, I am an initiate to Celestial Formal Magics and could, with notice, cast rudimentary rituals.