High Orc camp


I'd love to spend time with some other high orcs. Is anyone green coming? Would you like to set up tents to make an Orc camp? If not the camp I just would like to know that I won't be the only green one there.

Remember it may not be easy being green, but its much more fun!
Scarred Fist Clan will be there. It would be really cool to set up a village. We plan to bring the drum and the Didgeridoo, and the airbrush machine, so we can do more custom green and share cultures. If you want any help with your make-up or whatever, we'll be there.
It would be nice if our yellow cousins would be near by or join us if you are feeling too lonely

OO oo oo Air brush make up!

And clan history! I'm all alone here in wayfair. I haven't seen a green, or yellow face since I left home. Except for that caterpillorkin, but he wasn't any thing like us.
yellow is welcome as well & i'll have that yellow make up on hand two ..
I'm highly considering debuting my mellow yellow. Does that airbrush do yellow or just green?
Trel Jarina said:
I'm highly considering debuting my mellow yellow. Does that airbrush do yellow or just green?[/quote

oh wow yeah dan it's cool i have yellow,
Friday Night at orc camp

A fire
Stories of epic slaughter
Songs of fierce battle
Inductions into clans

Sound good?