Hindsight Ritual Needs Your Help!


Aramis and I are trying to set up a hindsight ritual to gain more information on various items. His Guild, zee company, is willing to chip in a good chunk of zee 40 gold cost. My guild Lifestorm, vill pledge 5 gold towards this. Are there others willing and able to spare 5 gold to get information? Nobles? Squire? Guild Leaders?

I vill also donate my time and skill to zee casting.

Jehan Wyldweaver
I've got 5 gold, on behalf of The Brotherhood.

Eric Marsters
What items are we sighting?

Squire Siril
One is of course a piece of the Crystal prison. The second could be Mr profiles.
The third would be the crystal that imbued Aramis vith with the ability to cast magic. It also I believe would shed light on zee stone elves.
Another idea could be zee sword you hold Squire, or any other artifacts we have.

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I like the idea of Aramis' crystal. I received a vision when I identified one of the sky prison pieces. Should we wait until we have a few more before we do this. Not sure what Mr. Profiles is. Unless you are meaning the hedgehog Sam has. And the sword. Well, I can tell you what you need to know about that. I'm willing to contribute the 5 gold regardless. Because if it gives us any information to help solve any of the town problems it is worth it.
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I can toss in 5 gold of my own. - Arsita
I highly suggest to NOT use Amaris' crystal. The magic was so potent that when I tried to identify the crystal I passed out. I could feel that staring at the crystal longer would have caused long term serious effects, most of which felt like they would be detrimental to me.

But, I am uniquely sensitive to engeries and auras so this may have been specifically a bad reaction to me, and not anyone else.

Lady FallingStar
Lady Fallingstar,

Does your suggestion come with a pledge of 5 gold?

Ms Arsita, Thank you for your support.

If we go over zee amount we can hold it in escrow against further need of this ritual... So let's make zee amount shall we?

Jehan W.
I have an item that might be interesting to see its past... the "Fallen Hourglass of Pyrothraxis"...

Eric M.
I can only do 4 items... Alas zat is the limits of my skill. I could suggest we do:

Prison Sky Crystal Shard (Kazik)
Black Sword (Dreadlord)
Aramis Crystal ( Stone Elves)
And Mr Profiles or Pyrothraxis (no clue how those work into any problem we have as of now) I'll leave zee final decision up to Aramis.

If someone else has an item zat would actually tie into one of the many problems we have. Please let me know.

I am also still looking for some donations:

I have:

Squire Cyril

Anyone else care to put their coin where their mouth is and help us resolve problems?

Azure Keep?
Mushroom Hollow?

Jehan W.

I vill likely do this ritual early in the morning on Saturday morning or very late. Anyone zat donates is of course welcome to be represented.

Jehan W
Unfortunately with the current expense of keep Renovations in Tympany, which will help solve a different type of problem, I am not in a position to contribute to this endeavor at this time.

on that note, I still have not gotten any information on the dagger I had subjected to this previously, has that information been lost?

Lord Bluewater,

Your guild mate has the information or speak to Sam if you cannot reach Ark.

Jehan W.

This would be my list.

Prison Sky Crystal Shard (Kazik)
Black Sword (Dreadlord)
Aramis Crystal (Stone Elves)
And Mr Prickles( Sam's hedgehog)

I believe that by hindsighting the hedgehog if my give leads to unlock other ablities.

While I understand Lady FallingStar suggestion, i have been researching the crystal with the celestral guild and i believe we will be safe. The beneift should out weigh the risk but it could be a wild ride.

Thank you to all that are contributing
~Aramis Seablade
I'm willing to donate 5 of my own gold if it is still needed!

~Terra Jane