Hobling Sideburns


I have a few games under my belt and I think I'm ready to invest in some prosthetics. Anyone know a good place to buy them? Or something good to cut up and use?
A squirrel.
For my wife's hobling she bought a rather nice prosthetic beard (the kind to be applied with spirit gum NOT the kind with a strap over your head. Cut the cheek portions off for your side burns. The "goatee" that is left over can be cut into 4 eyebrow-sized pieces. If you match your own hair color it looks very natural.
Of course then if it looks too natural and people think it is just your real hair and then they say that it doesn't qualify for some silly reason... :D

In all seriousnes ignore that last little bit. Mike Engler's suggestion is solid, I'm just poking fun and rehearsing an old argument/discusion that went on for quite some time at one point... ;)

All arguement on that topic has already been handled in another thread.

According to the rulebook, to play a hobling, you either need to wear or makeup on sideburns, and to play a dwarf you need to wear a prosthetic beard.
It happened in the old days. I remember a dwarf with a bit of natural stubble (that was crazy). But I also remember the one time I played a hobling. Everyone agreed that my sideburns (quite wild back in my hippy days) were thick enough to satisfy that requirement and all I did was put some makeup on my eyebrows.
Marcena said:
What? That you can't just grow your own dwarven beard or sideburns?
James Trotta said:
It happened in the old days. I remember a dwarf with a bit of natural stubble (that was crazy). But I also remember the one time I played a hobling. Everyone agreed that my sideburns (quite wild back in my hippy days) were thick enough to satisfy that requirement and all I did was put some makeup on my eyebrows.
Marcena said:
What? That you can't just grow your own dwarven beard or sideburns?

I agree. There had been too many times that someone was a race with just a little bit of something to try and make them look like it. I have mistaken Gypsies, Hoblings, Dwarves and even Elves for humans. The Elf always wore a hat that covered his ears so he didn't always wear them. I gamed with him off and on for 15 years and only found out this year he was an elf.

But he's an exceptional RPer so I don't hold it against him. ;)

Oh, I do have a question though - would women dwarves be allowed to wear much smaller beards (such as a goatee) since, well, I'd assume such a thing couldn't be mistaken without the makeup on.
Under "Dwarf" page 13 in the RB it says that female Dwarves often "Prefer" to wear their beard as a goatee.