Hobling with a beard?

My opinion is the beard would make the hobling look like a dwarf at best, a bearded human at worst. I've seen em with moustaches and goatees before, but that's as far as I'd push it.
You might get dispensation from local plot to allow it if you died the chops in your beard a wild color, like green or something, to make em stand out, but I think technically hoblings and dwarves are supposed to wear fake chops and fake beards anyway to make it so you can tell it's not a bearded human or a sideburned human.
In theory, we're doing it wrong.

In theory, a person with a beard already must still wear a fake beard to play a dwarf and a person with real sideburns must still wear fake sideburns to be a hobling.

Seattle has and continues to allow the males who play and are capable of it to grow the real thing because it's more immersive. Face it, the real thing looks real... the fake thing never really does at our level.

So, in theory, said person with a beard would have to make sure to enhance the other features of hobling-dom (allowing the sideburns to grow out longer than the rest of the facial hair, the bushy eyebrows, wearing the big stupid fake feet, etc...) or, shave it.

The other option is to strictly adhere to the book on this one. *shrug* Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
We all know that real humans don't have sideburns or beards.

Jeeze guys.

Get it together.
I'd actually like to poll the players on this one some time to see what they think about it.

There's some pretty strong pros and cons to the way we've been doing it, but there's some pretty strong pros and cons to the way it's supposed to be done too.
Dave, yours does but I've seen some down through the years that are like a weeks worth of growth and I'm left going "Yeah, a dwarf with mange maybe". Shrug, I see both sides of it, and if you guys ever change policy I'll gladly get some fakies.
Sarah said:
Seattle has and continues to allow the males who play and are capable of it to grow the real thing because it's more immersive. Face it, the real thing looks real... the fake thing never really does at our level.

I can't think of a chapter in the alliance that would turn down a female with a real beard of being a dwarf.
Masticon said:
Sarah said:
Seattle has and continues to allow the males who play and are capable of it to grow the real thing because it's more immersive. Face it, the real thing looks real... the fake thing never really does at our level.

I can't think of a chapter in the alliance that would turn down a female with a real beard of being a dwarf.

I can't either, but I wasn't going there. :p