Holiday get together?

Hi ya all!

I have no idea if this is something that is done or not, but would anyone like to have a holiday get together over winter break?

I know a lot of players travel far and weather may play a factor.

But if anyone was interested in it, I am game! I offer our house as location or we could look to a public place.

Heck my be we can invade a showing of the new Hobbit when it comes out!

Anyway, just seeing if we do anything like a winter get together and if people were interested!:-)

In Service,
I'm into it. :)

I may host an "Orphan's Christmas" dinner type thing for anyone who doesn't have a set plan for Christmas this year. I normally would travel to see family but with all the running around this year, we just couldn't quite make the schedule work out. Thus we will be alone for the holiday and would love to make sure no one is lonely as a result.

Also- I will be working on Rob D (more like working him over :p) to run a winter-time 1 day if anyone wants to maybe roleplay a bit and run a mod, cast a ritual, etc.


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Let's do this.
As I said I offer our house, but I am game anywhere:-)

Let's get dates rolling!!
Dec 6 is the only no date for us- it is Jack's 4th birthday:-)

Any other date we can make work:-)
I am not sure on dates yet but...

The eligible dates are:

Dec 5th and 6th, Dec 12th and 13th, and Dec 19th and 20th.

Dec 6th is now out- Jack Jack's Bday!
Dec 20th is not great for me as I have an all day cookie baking charity/holiday/fun "thing"!?

My preference would be for the 13th.


Any chance we can do a sunday?
I can't do Sundays. But if it works for everyone else. That's cool.
I'd say start a poll? which works better for more people? Sat or Sunday?

I am open to either.

Open to either-- both work for us and our house if it is chosen as venue:-)

As I said the one and only day that is out is Dec 6.:-)

My Saturdays are all filled up for this month. Sunday's are open
I think it will December...
I put up a poll for this. Rob D can't do Sunday 14th, Annette can't do the 6th, I can't do the 20th, Jen W can't do Saturdays...that about cover it so far?