
Adventurers of Gaden,

Some of you may know me, some of you may not. Know that I am York Winters, Soldier of Gaden and Sheriff of Shademarch. I have been with the Adventurers of Gaden since nearly the beginning and though my attentions have in recent lead me from that path I have still paid close attention to what you have been up to.

For many years my dreams have been dark and clouded. I have lost much to this war. Sisters and Brothers both of blood and of steel. I have watched Adventurers, so eager and bright, rise and then fall as the truth of the harshness of this land was made true to them. My sleep is a troubled and rarely do I feel rested. Some of you have never been to the front lines and witnessed the truth of the corruption. Have never stood upon a hill and gazed out at a sea of endless black bodies pressing forward with emptiness in their eyes. When I came here I was told these lands have no ocean. That was a lie. An ocean of darkness is drowning these lands.

But something happened last night. Rumblings I have not felt for some time. Last night my dreams were clear and bright. The mist guardians of these lands take action once more. A clarion call to action, reminiscent of times long past when the mist wall was opened to let the first walkers through.

The Adventurers of Gaden have long been an organization of hope. When given the chance to name our town we called it Hopes Reach. Because that is what we are. The long grasping reach of Hope.

So I will rise. With a vengeance and fury that I have not felt in years. I will meet the corrupt and my blows will be as endless as their numbers. You have heard King Talons call to action for all of Gaden.

Here at the bringing of a new dawn, who stands with me?!
I stand with you--of course I will--until end of Corrupt, the end of us, and onward.

For Reach of Hope, and for bright future on Horizon!

For Gaden!

Well spoken.

To those within the Valley, and any who hears this dreaming within the Sheltered Lands know that while you all push west against the oncoming threat; we, the adventurers of Gaden push south against its source. In a matter of weeks we move to the source of Corruption itself. This is all of nothing for us as well. We will not back down, we will not retreat and we will not give them a moment of respite against our assaults. Even now, we stand united with allies of all kinds, sentient and not to disrupt the flows of energy fortifying the Corrupt stronghold. We stand united on all fronts.

All differences aside, we all stand up for the defense of The Sheltered Lands. Dwarven Clans, Boemian forces, Selunari Caravans, Dryads of the Grove, Gnolls of Shademarch, The Merrow, soldiers from many great houses and stations. All of us, working together, looking towards the horizon to see a new dawn approach.

History will remember this moment of unity. History will remember this era of taking back that which was corrupted. History will remember each and every one of us in the next few weeks. History will remember because we will live on to tell it. The Sheltered Lands will live on to tell generations of this story. This is our story. This is your story. How do you want to be remembered?

For Gaden, for Roskaria, for Pratorak, for The Grasslands, Western Wilds and all life within the Sheltered Lands. Believe in yourself and rise to his Majesties call and write yourselves into the tales that will be spread throughout these lands for generations more to come!

Lord Asher Oakheart