Horizon- A New Settlement


Chicago Staff
Almost a year ago, The Keepers were tasked by Baron Silverlake, and his son, Lord Dante Silverlake who had "exploratory authorization" within The Valley of Solace to scout various parts of land. Between the regions we scouted, several were good choices. However, The Keepers decided on land between Northwatch and Midwatch, roughly 1/3 of the distance east towards Pratorak. Upon clearing the land of undead, troglodytes and strange floral, The Keepers were awarded full land rights to this area, while still following any restrictions under a local lord.

Through planning, scouting, and deals, the land was slowly worked on and a clear vision was seen within the group; the vision to establish the Valley as a habitable region again. A central road was constructed leading to this land from the main road, and supplies were quickly shipped up to the region. Shortly after, construction of a large Earth Guild was commissioned and took most of the Winter and early Spring to complete. I am proud to say that the Valley of Solace branch is fully functional, with a free healing clinic, multiple barracks, a central library, and two grand halls in it's interior, with horse stables outside.

Thanks to the Squire Victor Von Gryphon and the Gryphon Guard, they have been protecting the area in recent months and beginning construction of their own. A town guard is being trained, merchants, traders and farmers are being welcomed from across the land to share their wares and start anew within the Valley.

This is the future of the Valley. Just beyond Hope's Reach and eastward into the Valley lays a glimmer of hope for the region. A new new town, a new start, a new community, called Horizon.

It won't be built overnight, but in this last year, it has seen much growth. Now is the time for that growth to truly sprout out it's own. I am welcoming farmers into the area to plant crops, to tend to the land recently removed from all Corrupt presence. I am welcoming traders to share their goods, and share the goods that Horizon can exclusively offer in return. There are plans to allow travel and trade on The Great River, and so much more.

To those looking for a fresh start, for a 2nd chance, and to experience the true frontier, I encourage you to come to the area. Help make yourself and Gaden prosper from this new venture.

Asher Oakheart
Member of The Keepers
The Black Wolves have volunteered to provide defense of the region as the Gryphon Guard will eventually be needed elsewhere. To any craftsmen who come to Horizon and wishes to take part in the defense of the region and learn to defend themselves and their families, seek me out and I will provide you with the tools and the knowledge to make this region safe. I will arm you, I will train you, and I will feed you if you work to make this region safe and prosperous.

-Captain York Winters.
I am also planning to build a school in Horizon. Literacy will be the primary focus of the school, with magic and agriculture as secondary foci. We will perhaps add more as the school grows. If anyone has any interest we currently need muscle to help with the construction of the building itself. Any support is welcome. I will be at the next gather myself should anyone wish to meet with me then, be they prospective students or those looking to help.

Many thanks and hope for a better tomorrow,
Roy Gallentine
I want to mention again that Horizon is a place of new beginnings, a fresh start. It welcomes people from all walks of life, all professions and all former lives. For the many farmers that have settled already, I will be performing a Bountiful Harvest ritual to assist in more food to get through the next season. I’m proud how much Horizon has slowly been growing, and I look forward to see it continue to grow into a thriving trade town within the Valley of Solace.

To Baron Idden and Lord Silverlake, I encourage you both to see Horizon and its progress first hand when you have a reprieve from your noble duties.

- Asher Oakheart