Horrid Rumor - Corrected!

So I heard you all have been living on ...instant coffee.... At game

None of you can see my face not witness my horrific gagging....but trust me it is there!!!

So thanks to an amazing clearance sale at our local Target- I have remedied the situation!!!

Behold- a coffee maker for monster camp and a second coffee maker for the Tavern!!!!!

Rejoice with me people!!!:)

Also no added stress on staff as I will happily store them at my home and cart them to and from game:)

I hope this a good thing :)
Did I mention I love you? Cause I do. THANK YOU
Does this mean PCs will be able to stay awake to do our "silly o'clock" mods at 3 in the morning on Sunday? ;) Just think how productive the town can be!
I miss Silly O'Clock mods. :-( All of plot has been going to sleep far too early. A junior plot team member must be sacrificed for our entertainment!

A Former Sacrificial Lamb for Silly O'Clock
Ryan's the only one that goes to bed early, it's been our perception that PCs usually go to bed pretty early. If you're up at the end of the night and bored, come by NPC camp! I assure you that plot people will still be awake well after plot hooks stop going out for the night.
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I will also define early as 3am on Saturday, and 3am on Sunday, though I know certain people tend to stay up until the sun rises.
Right, early.
That would be me that stays up usually as for I am used to working the night shift. I am always up for a silly o'clock mod.
only us old farts go to bed early :p Right Dave?
eh? You silly o'clockers are always ruining my lawn!
I shudder to think of all the sillies o'clock that were lost because everyone thought everyone else was asleep! D:

Usually if there's no one outside or in the middle of the tavern we assume people are sleeping... But if that's not the case we can of course send some loud obnoxious goblins to bang on the doors and shove you out of bed! If anyone objects, just remember that it was Rob's idea! ;P

Seriously though, and this goes for any time of day or night: if you're bored come over and say "I'm gonna go poke a bear" and you can find some type of bear... Owlbear, were-bearrister, or bear-shaped piñata full of money. Maybe even something other than a bear! You never know. It's our job to keep you entertained at our expense.

--Also willing to be a sacrificial lamb
You did know that the Brotherhood had coffee all this time. *evil laugh*...... why do you think we stay up so late and do some wacky stuff. YAY COFFEE !!!!
