
Heya everyone,

Mah friends and , seven of us, were wondering if there might be some inn or something where we could git sum rooms ta sleep in at the Marketday in da next month.

Nothin too fancy, though access ta a kitchen would be nice if possible and sum privacy if we kin get it.

We would be must gracious ta are host(s) as we are travelin frum very far ta meet with all of you.

Mah Thanks,

Jehan Wyldweaver
Seems I'm also fer bein' in need o' housin' myself. I'd not expected ta get so far west this year, but curiosity's ever been my bane. Any chance o' someone bein' willin' ta open hearth and home, or't least an inn-floor to a footsore traveller?

There is the Earth Guild, however it tends to be cold inside the building. I believe Evad rents rooms from the tavern.

Well, cold's not killed me yet, and I've no problem lendin' a hand to tha Earth Guild if it comes to that.