How do I redeem gobbies? Also photos.


I did a bit of helping out int the kitchen for the Castle event, and I'm wondering how to get the gobbies for that. In addition, I was informed that one could get gobbies for filling out the "first-event" review sheet, which I did; that was a while ago, and if you still have it on record, I'd be happy if I was informed of that.

Also, photos: I took some photos during the late-afternoon, orc-fighting mod on Saturday. Where should I send those? Also also, where can I find the pictures that Chris took during the phase-pairs mod and lunch-time before that? Will those be posted on the main website?
All Goblin requests should be sent to Please give logistics a few days at least, it takes time to get our feet back under us after an event.
All photos can be sent to me at:
Or you can send them to Alysha:

Please also be sure to weed out the blurry pics, or pics of just a single person smiling at the camera.

The photos that I took can be found in a couple of different places. I posted them on FaceBook. I also noted a link to them in the "Castle Favorites". That address is again:

I liked the pictures you took, too. Nice to see so many pics of the event.