How do I...?


...hello, hello?
How does this even work?

My name is Dumtee, and I recently visited a place called Summer's Rain in a city with lizard goblins. My exit was rather forced and not the way I wanted to leave new friends I was making, but I didn't have much choice in the matter.

If you're able to see this, I would love to have some folk visit me. It'd be nice to have someone in my corner here, and I could definitely make sure you had a good time!

...well, a good time for home.
What seems to be the situation over there? For those that were 3 mist spheres away and didn’t see you whats going on?

What corner are you in? Are you a fallen Prince/Princess and we need to storm a tyrannical regime and save the people from deaths door, or am I reading too many novels my friend Ghenesh gave me?
I mean, I’m not dying. It’s just an unpleasant way to leave, being bagged and tagged like that. I guess I did overextend my vacation days, but really, it’s so much to fill out the paperwork.

I’m at home. Home changes a lot, so I was hoping to eventually move…well, at least for the next little while that’s on the backburner.

I was looking for a place that’s a bit more…predictable. It’s not like home is bad, but it’s not great either. It’s hard to leave, too. So far, beyond accrued vacation time, nobody leaves here. If you do…well, you get what happens to me.

I don’t know what would have happened if I had been able to stop the guards.

I myself am just the son of a merchant. I don’t know that the regime…government?…is tyrannical, but it might be. There’s really only one person making the rules, but they change a lot. And like, people die here, but it didn’t seem as bad as where you guys are, from what I heard. You break a law, you get sent to the mines, not killed.

How is this even working, by the way? How am I able to hear- and respond- to you?
Magic is funky.
So, what Im hearing is you need us to come on over and start a revolution for more vacation days and more freedom. To remove those in power and defend the little guy!
Thank you Dumtee. We shall shout your name as the leader of this call to action! We shall rise above the oppressors or die trying!
I mean, I wouldn’t say no to more vacation, but honestly? It’s probably better to not rock the boat. You won’t find much support for a revolution. Nobody here reallly worries about death or losing your entire home and livelihood, like it sounds like your home does. It’s just unpredictable.
This place sounds too good to be true and that's too good to be true!