How many people play Alliance?


So I was just wondering how many people play in Alliance.

I realize that no one knows for sure, but I realized that I have no I have no idea at all - 200? 300? No idea. I'm sure we could figure out how many characters are out there by adding up the databases, and probably the players too, but any idea how many are still active? Also, how fast is Alliance growing? This is just out of curiosity of course. It would be good to know how long until we can perform the much anticipated state and national coup to install a government of dedicated LARPers.
I know that Ohio is steadily growing. We had like 5 new players just this event. It would take some colaberation between chapters to figure up how fast the alliance is growing as a whole, or how many players there are currently active. Lots of new chapters are cropping up though it seems, so I would say growing at a reasonable pace.
The total number of players (PC and NPC) at HQ events last year is: April (85), May 2nd (61), May 31st (90), June (58), July (78), August (28), September (37), October (85). I believe the August event conflicted with and event in either NH or CT, so some players went there. September was a low-level event and turnout is usually lower for those. Our season opener this year had 79 players.

The biggest event that I can recall we were pushing 125 players.

There are many players who make it to every event for a chapter. There are many who make only one or two events in a year. Others hit events at every chapter in their area, often driving up to 10 hours (or more) to get there. All of this must be taken into account when determining how many players there are in Alliance.

Mike Engler
HQ Logistics
How about counting active registrations. That atleast gives you the number of people that cared enough within the last year to register. I know that right now that my registration has been expired for 2 years but thats gonna change anyway.
You could do it that way but you'd still have to filter out duplicates. For example, I am registered in four chapters. Ali has memberships in 5. Dave's up to like 7 now. So just counting up the # of current players in the db of each chapter is going to give you some inflated results.
Let alone people that have a members number and have only shown up once, or stopped playing years ago but are still in the DB.

I mean my Ashbury number is somewhere in the 1400's, there are nowhere near that many people playing in any of our chapters. Maybe all of them combined, but not individually.
This could be an interesting thing to investigate, not only to get a feel for our own game but as an advertising point for the game overall. If someone were willing/able (I'd do it if no one else on national wanted/was willing to) to have all of the registrations sheets from all events held at all the chapters over a 1 year period (say from June 1 2009 to May 31 2010) then we could compile the names of all people who participated in at least one Alliance game this year, and how many total players the Alliance had at it's events over the year (the second one reflecting total participation and includes the same person playing ten events whereas the first one would only count that person once). Opinions? Derisions?
Sounds great to me... if we did that next year too (or retroactively for last year) we could have some really interesting stats, like which region grew the most, how many people joined total, what our percentage growth was, and how many people that played this year came back next year. I'd love to know all that.
My only quibble would be that it might violate some sort of privacy regulation to give you the names. That's not an issue at all for me (or for the vast majority) but it might be a problem for some. Then again, if you just looked at numbers and not names, it probably wouldn't be an issue.
This isn't really an important issue, but it could be good advertising as stated above, especially as I suspect that Alliance has a yearly percentage growth rate of at least double digits.

Well if the compilation doesn't release the specific names witout release its not an issue if a national level comittee does the number crunching (or an individual given that task by the board or some such)

Well at least for members it wouldn't be a privacy issue for non-members I'm not sure.
Sunnfire said:
Let alone people that have a members number and have only shown up once, or stopped playing years ago but are still in the DB.

I mean my Ashbury number is somewhere in the 1400's, there are nowhere near that many people playing in any of our chapters. Maybe all of them combined, but not individually.

To count active members the database only counts players with paid membership. Right now Ashbury has 115 active members. As mentioned by others, this does include duplicate members from other chapters.
Yeah, its funny numbers. Im in 4 databases with 4 different numbers, and am not currently a paid member of any of them.