How much NERO is too much?


I am just curious what people thought would be enough NERO to appease their NERO-o-holism. This is purely rhetorical, as if the NERO staff had all the resources they needed including plot, NPCs, facilities, and energy but prices for attendance stayed the same and everything in your life was still there (i.e. significant other, children, job, family, etc.).

With the commitments I currently have in RL I think I would be in a state of Nirvana if I could go to a NERO Event (not just a gameday) every other weekend. :)
I don't think I could handle an event every other weekend without some serious physical conditioning first. Once a month would be nice though.
Ideally I think a chapter should have no more than 4 events per year and perhaps 2-4 fighters practices/faire days. This would give (in a normal area) about 1 event per month within a few hours drive, and one other nero based happening per month.

This would give plot the time to relax and not get as stressed out at the event. Plus it would give them many opportunities to play in other chapters.

Personally I believe that game days are among the worst form of NERO and should only be used to draw in new players and get them familiar with the rules. It's shouldn't be used for adventures for the main part of your PC base. It generally detracts from the seriousness of interactions found at events.
Once a month would be great.. I could totally go for once every other week.. but i doubt it would be possible unless you are going to 2 different chapters.. even then.. hard...
If staff had an uber plot team, and the finances to run every day if they were called on to do it, I would still only want to go maybe once every three months or so.

I've been playing Nero for about 11 years now, and honestly I think I have the most fun at nero when I've had a good three to four month break between events. That allows my desire to build up and then I have more fun. If you did it every other weekend, I'm absolutely 100% positive that you would hate the game in less than six months.
Oregon and Seattle used to each run every other month, about 5-6 events per year apiece. That made about 1 event per month if you were going to both (which I highly recommend, if you've only played in one chapter, you haven't really played "Nero", you're playing one plot team's version). That was back when both chapters had smaller player bases though (and larger plot teams (or much, much smaller ones like just me and Jeff, or me and Mark), and no budget, at crappy sites, and no npcs, and... well, I think fewer events is better.)
In hindsight, I recognise a lot of things that could have been done better, but that was before I had all the experience that I have now, and back then, it was all fun because it was nero, and I was new enough that that was all that mattered.
If a game was going to run too frequently, I think that it might be benificial to the plot team to have another group run an event from time to time, rather then cycle plot people off once a year so they can PC. I never liked the idea of PCing in the chapter I was running plot in, just because I knew that I couldn't get involved in the big plot lines for very long (like, those two days I suppose) and you couldn't really have an impact. I think a separate group running one event a year that all of plot could get in on might be better, that way it gives everybody a break at the same time, and no one who usually pcs and has specific plot loses it when that plot member is on break.
Right now, it's looking like no nero events until April, and then there's the May one, and after that I don't know what's up. So, two months off, two on, then what?
Masticon;18508 said:
Ideally I think a chapter should have no more than 4 events per year and perhaps 2-4 fighters practices/faire days. This would give (in a normal area) about 1 event per month within a few hours drive, and one other nero based happening per month.

This would give plot the time to relax and not get as stressed out at the event. Plus it would give them many opportunities to play in other chapters.

Personally I believe that game days are among the worst form of NERO and should only be used to draw in new players and get them familiar with the rules. It's shouldn't be used for adventures for the main part of your PC base. It generally detracts from the seriousness of interactions found at events.

Wow, I so dissagree with you, and feel that that additude is one of the reasons its so hard to get a full compliment of people at gamedays. I do agree that 4-5 events per year is good (tho to be honest I could love it if there were some way to double staff so that half of staff could run half the games and half the other half of games. If that would be doable then I would say 6-7 events per year.)

However I beleve gamedays and mod days should be pretty common. There are often little things that players want to do (often low level charicters) that they cant get staff or NPCs for becouse at an event everything is to busy. Gamedays also allow for smaller arrangments and more of a hands on feel that is good for new NPCs and new Plot members as well. I would say at least 12 gamedays would be good.
When I lived in TX, I was on plot for one chapter, and had two to three others I could attend regularly. I would attend two or three events a month, and then I ran custom-mods for people during the week and on weekends.

I was also 22, so that probably weighed in quite a bit too. :)

These days, an ideal amount of NERO would be one good event every two or three months. I simply have too many other things going on: Airsoft, spending time with Holly, seeing movies, playing Warhammer and Necromunda, getting together with non-NERO people, coordinating things for the wedding, work, playing with the cat, housekeeping, goofing on the PSP, etc. I still don't get to shoot pool or bowl as much as I'd like, and there are a ton of house things I want to get done that never cram in time for. There simply aren't enough waking hours for me to get in everything I want to get in.
I do agree with Marc that it is hard to cram in main plotline details in a single game day. Iv'e been thinking about writing up a plot myself and I origionally intended it to be a game day plot but quickly found that it would be to hard to run it with gamedays. However what I think would work very well for game days is Mods. If you run a simple nothing to do with the main plot Mod that only takes a few hours it would: Be a good way to introduce new players to the game and get them interested. Also it would not have to be run my the main plot team allowing them to focus on the main plotline. It would also be alot of fun for the players. Honestly alot of the time when I have the most fun is on random non main plotline mods. I think it would be a really good way to get people to come to game days. As for events I think it would also not be a bad idea to have more than one Campaing in the same chapter run by a seprate plot team. It would give each plot team a chance to play the game as PC's which I am sure alot of them miss. Personnally I would love to see some one run an evil campaing where we are all evil and seeking the destruction of all good. Thats my two or three cents worth.