How to rid a Spell Store item of its spells


I pose an open series of questions to any who have interest; there will be others to follow this first.

I am but a warrior with no training in any magical arts. I understand that if you have a Spell Store item, and spells are cast into it, here is what happens:

  • The spells linger inside the Spell Store item forever, and never fade or expire;
  • The spells are cast by activation of the magic;
  • A Destroy Formal Magic spell could render the whole Spell Store item, and its contents, entirely inert.
Is there any other means known to remove a spell once cast into a Spell Store item?

In service to Acarthia,

Dame Katherine Albright
Is this in case a necromantic spell is put into the item? You can discharge it into a different spell store item.
That is precisely where this line of questioning will lead.

Would your suggestion not involve actually casting the necromantic spell?

Nope, you still cast it (just into the item). I don't think there is a way to discharge it without casting it.
I was just reminded you can totally flub the incant and discharge it without it going off successfully.
Really?? So, for example, let's say a Cause Light Wounds is stored in there. You activate the magic, and say, "I summon Chaos to Cause Light Wounds," and somehow that activates the spell to discharge it? But no necromantic energy is released into the world at all?

Please pardon me if I am merely restating what you just said. Particularly as someone who is not schooled in earth magic (or any magic), I want to make certain I have clear understanding of this.

I have no idea if this affects the earth or not..but let's say while you are incanting the spell "I call upon chaos to cause light wounds" but I focus and throw my magical energy before I actually finish the incant, normally the spell is lost from memory and is not actually cast. I don't see why this wouldn't work in this case.
Squire Kendrick, you illuminate the fine point of the example very well. This brings me to my next question, then:

If one deliberately activates the powers of an enchanted item in this manner, is that not still the practice of Necromancy under the law?

Lord Graham Wolsey, what is your opinion on this as a barrister?

While Lord Wolsey has the opportunity to consider this rather sticky point of law...

I'm told there is also a formal magic ritual called Transfer Enchantment which might be applied in this hypothetical situation. I'm not familiar with that. Is it rare? Is it costly to cast? Or is that a fairly simple and easily available spell?

Transfer enchantment is both rare and requires a catalyst. It also transfers all enchantments of the same aspect of the caster, so you can not choose just the spell store, unlike Destroy Magic which you could.

Well, scratch that as a viable solution here. Thank you, Knox!

My suggestion to flubbing said spell in your example would be, after activating, "I call upon..." and stop there. Much like flubbing a spell from memory, if you pause too long or say the wrong words, the spell is blown.

Guildmaster Tomarg
Goodman Tomarg,

Thank you for your presented advice on the most efficient means of flubbing the words of necromantic enchantment. It is rare to have the expertise of an experienced necromancer to call upon to serve the purposes of good in the world.

In service to Acarthia,
Dame Katherine Albright
Dame Katherine Albright,

You are welcome, I think. Casting necromancy during that one battle and immediately turning myself in hardly qualifies me as being experienced. And as I have properly addressed you by your very notable and respected title, please do so with mine.

Guildmaster Tomarg
Goodman Tomarg,

Please forgive the lapse in my manners if there is one. It is my understanding that your conviction for necromancy upon your willful raising of good Acarthian soldiers into the unwilling servitude of undeath on the battlefield removed you from your post as guildmaster of the Healers Guild. Thus that former honorific for once good works is no longer appropriate to your station as a commoner. If I am mistaken, may I inquire where you now serve as guildmaster to a branch of our fine Acarthian Healers Guild?

In service to Acarthia,
Dame Katherine Albright
Dame Katherine Albright,

The day after my sentence, I spirit forged into a celestial scholar and have risen through the ranks at Three Spires. You can check there if you think I am lying or you can go ahead and ask the New Acarthian Mages guild who resided over a thesis paper defense earlier this year. Apology accepted.

Guildmaster Tomarg
My Lord Guildmaster Tomarg,

I was unaware of your spiritforge, and your rise within and service to the Acarthian Mages Guild. Thank you for your continued service to the realm as a whole. I commend you on the wisdom of your choice to avoid further temptation down the slippery slope of casting earth magic. That in itself is a serviceable inspiration to others who put themselves in similar circumstances as your own.

Thus may I invite you to consider a speaking engagement within New Acarthia in 417 so that others may benefit from the unique example of your tale? I am sure that students among the Healers and Mages Guilds of New Acarthia, as well as the squires in tutelage within Her Grace's city would take interest in such an opportunity. I hope that if you are amenable, you may contact the guildmasters, and Dame Arikaya Valkrys, First Knight of Bayenna, who takes our good squires under her wing. I would also welcome the opportunity to host your speech to students at Moorefield Keep in their chivalry lessons in the coming year.

In service to Acarthia,
Dame Katherine Albright