How would I register my character?


I was wondering how I would register my character for an event? My backgrounds been approved and everything, but I'm just waiting for pre-registration. Is that all i have to do? I say something on alliance main page about member numbers and stuff...
I know I cant pre-register for 2014 just yet, but I'm anxious and trying to get my goblins in a row.

That's the registration page. We haven't set up registration for the first event yet, but if you like, you can email NH Logistics at deadlandslog at gmail dot com and talk to Samantha, our Head of Logistics, about ensuring that your character is in our database. You aren't required to spend your initial build until the day of the event before you go into game, but she can help you with that also if you know what you want to do.
Thanks! I'm really looking forward to playing with you guys!
We are looking forward to playing with you as well! Please keep asking questions as they come up, we're glad to help.