How'd we do Aug 3rd - 5th

We had a great time. Although we showed up at 2:00 p.m.ish on Saturday and rolled out about 1:00 a.m., there was a LOT of fun packed in there. We went on five different mods in that short span of time, which has to be a freaking record in my own LARPing experience. Chris, Chad, Travis, and Joe were non-stop animals with running stuff. Amazing pace!

I really, really enjoyed the jobs board and contracts as a way to hook things. I also like that the PCs have a sense of difficulty, so the lower level guys can do things without needing a babysitter (I hate that term, but you get the idea). It allowed just three of us, one of which was a first eventer, to knowingly go into a mid-tier challenge, and man, it was tough!

I liked how many different kinds of things were going on. Not so different and disconnected that it was schizo, but just the right amount of different to keep it interesting. The orcs were part of a larger scale issue the kingdom was dealing with. The RRRaiders were more local, causing problems for farmers. The capital had lots of different issues, including the sewer infestation, the looters, etc. It was neat seeing all of those things, and getting to do different kinds of tasks throughout the day.

The trapped up barn mod was a really cool and original idea. I am sure that Robin didn't plan on being put to the test with traps (in fact, I was already counting out money to pay for the blown up crops), but it worked out great in the end. I also liked that you guys rolled with our desire to press on from there to track down the RRRaiders and do some damage before they could escape.

All in all, guys, I was extremely impressed. Already looking forward to the next one!
I had a great time this weekend. I felt challenged in combat, challenged in my roleplay, and the story progressed in front of my eyes from using pieces placed over multiple past events. The latter shows an amazing planning structure, a detailed execution, and cohesive teamwork. The two formers come from over a decade of LARP'ing experience for each plot member. This has been my favorite event ran by this plot team so far, and I still find it amazing that only 3 events ago I was playing a 32 level character--and had a blast--and went to playing a 1st level character and had even more fun. That truly shows the scope of this plot team's ability. Chad, Travis, and Chris, thank you.

I said as much in my survey, but I thought your stat'ing for the weekend was spot-on. You had said that you were stilling adjusting to running for 1st level characters, but you have arrived. I went on multiple mods that were all done perfectly.

You also did an amazing job immersing me in your world. I spoke to NPC's who spoke with true emotion, and when the farmer (Chris) was scared for his crops, I trully felt he was scared. When Thaddeus spoke ill of Sebastian and his betrayal, I felt Chad was truly disgusted. When Minmatsu was letting me prattle on about helping those who cannot help themselves, I truly felt he was a wise old man just enjoying the exuberance of youth. Bravo, gentlemen.

Menotti, you forkin rock. I don't think this plot team could continue to do what they do without you lifting them up. Too often, the full-time NPC's take a backseat and become the unsung hero. You are their constant, their go-to, and I think each secretly vies to have you on their mod. ;)

Amaris wanted to tell you boys, even though she knows she said it multiple times, that she was terrified for most of the event, but her very first battle (the Deadeye mod with Travis playing his typical screaming revanent :thumbsup:) was extremely memorable, and she will be forever scared of revanents from hence forth. I truly envy her, and I'm glad she has you guys to give her that experience that we all had years ago.

Matt, nice job, as usual, with the food. You outdid yourself Saturday night, especially with the off/on situation with the orc mod/rain out. Kudos.

Convery, you're not as pretty as our typical logistics person, but you did a great job standing in. The transition was seamless from my view. It must be a huge weight off of our owners' shoulders knowing they have someone to back up their logistics if it's ever needed. Way to be.

I feel like our chapter has really begun to pick up speed. We've had six new players in the past three events, most of which who have returned immediately. The culture of the chapter is continuing to progress on a positive path, and I think that's due to a combination of solid, involved leadership, dedicated, insightful plot members, and happy, contributing PC's.

I'm just happy to be a part of it all.

Great event! I had a lot of fun. Plot Team was, as always, stellar. You guys continue to surprise me with your constant professionalism, dedication to the game and creative genius. This was an event where I know I missed hints that were dropped or plots that were hooked but I was too busy with others that interested me. So much going on, I found myself getting frustrated I wasn't involved in all of them. Each town feel different, and I really like that.

Chris: MVP of the weekend for me. I don't know if I wasn't paying attention before or what, but your level of roleplay is fantastic. Every guy you came out as had something to say to anyone who wanted to talk. The green aspect was liked and then reviled in 10 minutes. You came out as the elf and I had a great time talking with you about that characters philosophy. The best part was, that NPC actually had a point of veiw that he could defend. You played cards differently depending on what they were. Drain/paralysis vine monster attacked differently then, chump lich, who was different from Surprise water elemental caster. It wasn't just the cards, you seemed to approach them differently. Very cool.

Chad: I have wanted to be a part of the Academy since Josh hooked me on a mod for them... 4 years ago? It feel so good to be involved and the Academy instantly felt like a real organization. Not a vending machine for mods. Lorston and Gerkoff were each different, and seemed to have different motivations. I'm very excited.

Travis: I only talked to the Order guy for 30 secs, but there was a lot of story happening. I knew there was more and I was frustrated I missed out on more conversation. Outstanding.

Joe/Ashley: Thank you so much for NPC-ing. You guys keep these mods going, and really set the foundation for a great game environment.

Some Specific Favorites:

Not knowing the code to Valborough. Top score everyone :)
The water mod, kudos to Thetford for thinking to call down damage. And extra kudos to the NPC's who didn't just give up on the mod.
HOG's presonal inter-guild game, the proper name for, will never be mentioned again :)
Listening to Matt describe the DFM of the banners, and getting to act it out.
All the new players, fresh blood keeps us all excited.
Robin buying vorpal serious' :D
So many rituals. /facepalm not having a preserve available. (Thinking back we should have just boosted it)
Orcish yelling. always good.
"You're gonna DIE ELF!!" Mathis, "I grant you the gift of death"

I know I had more I wanted to share but I can't think of them right now.

Generally just a great weekend. Thanks to everyone

I left early Saturday after the Orc Mod, so I didn't get a chance to fill out a survey and just figured I would let you guys know my feedback here :)

Even though I'm a newbie (this was my second event) I have to agree with all of the previous posts and say that this was a great event. Below is some positive feedback as well as some negative since I believe you said at one of the symposiums that positive feedback is great and appreciated, but negative feedback is just as important if not more so for improvement (this is just my justification for being a meanie.... ;) )

First the good stuff!

As a new player I'm slowly getting into the story more and really appreciate the level of intricacy that you guys approach it with. Each NPC that I had the chance to converse with was obviously a different character. Not only the appearance, but the behavior and mannerisms. I'm still learning how to interact and gather information, but knowing that each experience will be different is really cool.

The mods that I went on as newbie were scaled really well. We ran into some problems and challenges along the way that were just perfect. Some of that is the make-up of our group and some of that is the difficulty which you provided us. As an example, the mod where we looked for the Deadeye crossbow guy for GJ (Finley) and Steve (Nigel). Holding the door took every ounce of our young groups resolve and it was really fun to experience that. Our group made a lot of mistakes in terms of inexperience, but the mod was not so punishing (though it did punish us) that we could not learn from those mistakes without being able to overcome them. Scaling the power of the NPCs with the knowledge required to complete the mod cannot be an easy task for inexperienced newbies, but I felt you guys really nailed it.

This time around I asked a lot of questions about the effects of abilities and had game questions about what I could and couldn't do. You guys were really helpful in getting me accommodated to the game while in the middle of the game without me becoming too much of an interruption. This is really a big boost for me because now I know I can get into it and ask questions without being a nuisance. Basically, thanks for being so understanding and quick/clear with your answers!!!

Stuff I didn't like or had issues with

I NPC'ed for the Char mod and was told by someone of authority to not stop popping, and just keep going at them and hitting them over and over. A little into the mod I heard someone else of authority tell all the NPCs to slow down, and when I asked a different authority what that meant they told me not to slow down. This isn't a huge issue, but I just got confused on what you wanted me to do as an NPC.

On the Orc Mod, for the lowbies, we were told that we would be able to move the banner once they touched, and the magics of the banners would disappear. This is not the way the mod played out, and as I'm ok with receiving false intelligence from Thaddeus and Ko (as most of the information about the banner were rumors anyway) I just don't want false intelligence to be a post hoc justification for inconsistencies. That being said, getting two sets of information about what we could do with the banner once we did touch them did irk me a little, but it was resolved right away so there is really no issue.

This last one isn't a negative so much as something that I thought would have been cool. Since both groups were attacking the Orcs at the same time, I thought it would have been cool if the events were connected somehow. For instance, since the higher level group went first, it would have been cool if the siege machines fired on us (with something like voice radius: 10 elemental flame, affecting us and the Orcs we were fighting) once a minute for every minute it took the higher levels to destroy them. Or if the lowbies had gone first (and since we didn't kill all the Orcs), the Orcs popped more times against the higher levels, to signify that we possibly didn't do our whole job. Again, as a new player I don't know how viable that is, or if that would have been inappropriate or overpowered, but some causal connection between the two would have been very cool.

I realize these negatives are just very minor miscommunications and I'm not expecting that everything is flawless. I'm really not trying to nitpick or be rude and I really don't have too big of an issue with these things. I just figured I would share all of my experience with you guys. I would just like to reiterate that I had an awesome time and I'm glad I've started adventuring with everyone.

Thanks for making my weekend awesome!!,
I think you're right about what you said. The original mod for the orcs did have an effect like the one you mentioned. We pulled it out later because we had worries about man power.

We have no ego in this. We're trying to run the very best game possible. So don't ever feel like you're nit picking. If you didn't enjoy something say it. That way we can try to rectify it next time around and better understand what you like and don't like as a player.

To clarify the Orc mod issue with the banners, that was all me.

How we wanted to do the game mechanics of the Orc mod was up in the air for a while and part of several discussions. In my tired mind I seemed to have reverted back to the discussion before last. It wasn't a matter of miscommunication but of my absent mind simply forgetting what was agreed on most recently. I would have apologized on the field but my occasional lack in memory is a sore spot for me that I work hard on so I simply kept my angry-at-myself mouth shut.

That said I apologize for breaking up the flow of the fight for you all. It was my mistake and shouldn't reflect poorly on my team members.

In the mean time I am very grateful for all of the good things I am hearing and even more grateful at the critiques! I look forward to improving our events till the years end. We are already taking into account what was said into our September event write up. It's going to be a hell of an event. I hope you don't miss it!

Plot Guy
While my thoughts and feedback do not matter in the least, I still wanted to put something down here even if it is just a few quick notes:

PLOT GUYS: FYI, I think I am the luckest owner out there. Your dedication to entertainment, story, and cohesiveness astounds me every single event. When I think you guys couldnt get any better, you simply prove me wrong by your actions / the next mod I go on.

FULL TIME NPCS: Ashley, you are amazing. Menotti, I hate you. Honestly though, thank you both for being the never stopping, always happy, fighting and roleplaying machines that you are.

STAFF: Matt, I cannot thank you enough for running the Tavern. The food this weekend was outstanding!!! OMG LOGISTICS JOE. Thank you sooo very much for running Logistics. By far, Logistics is my least favorite thing to do at an event and you stepped in and ran in incredibly smoothly and efficiently. Just awesome job from both of you.

PCS: As Alison and I have said time and time again, our main goal for this chapter is Community. A strong and friendly community will not only enhance the game but keep our amazing Staff running the game that we all want to play. This event showed me that our hope for a strong and friendly community is coming together and proving to be everything we hoped for. Thank you to each and every single PC.

I cant wait to see what all of you have in store for our next event!!

Thank you every one for your kind words on the event. :D

I wanted to take a moment to send a bit of this back to those who play with this plot team. Besides the obvious enjoyment of getting our players to have the most fun possible there are players that make the job a heck of an experience for us. Great role-play takes a plot member deeper into the moment and makes the situation ten times what is even possible through writing and preparation. Here are just a few from my personal role-play for the weekend.

TC- Your role-play during the dragon games was fun but your role-play after being bitten by the wererat was top notch. Besides being the sweatiest that mod was some of the most fun I had all event.

Stu Race- You ‘first timed’ into our high information content game with enough COs to run a university. I really enjoyed watching you stride right through all we bombarded you with and apply it like you had already read this book three times.

Joe West (and brother Robyn? I apologize but I can’t remember your name). Your duo with the weapon switching and deck hand assisting captain role-play was top notch. Watching that same RP hold fast (pun intended) even during crisis situations made the experience for us badguys.

Stevie, the four others of said crew that came and went that role-played with Ko – your concern, your dialog, and your earnest candor made that conversation feel and be real. It’s when RP like that hits you in the face that even though you are changing characters every hour that you get rooted in the character you are playing and you can really begin to understand them. Without RP like that I would just be a painted talking head. So thank you.

I played a great deal of combat and utility roles this event so I didn’t get to role-play as much as I might have wanted. I just wanted to take the moment to compliment people that really jumped into my mind as improving the event for me through great role-play.

So thank you… keep that s*** up would ya? ;) :hahaha:

Plot Guy