
I'm looking at moving to the NW here in a few months, and I'm a 13 year NERO veteran.

I want to know who to talk to about rules clarifications and possibly additions. (I tried getting info with nero natl. they never would talk with me)

I look forward to joining your group.

We don't really do additions so much here at the Alliance side of things. It happens, just very very slowly and the changes always go alliance wide.

You can talk to any marshal for rules clarifications (hi! *waves*) or the head of rules.
The rules board here is a good spot for specific questions. Buying an Alliance rulebook, from, or from a chapter head would be a good plan. A quickie notation of differences:
  • 3 additional classes - Adept (scholar-rogue), Scout (fighter-rogue), and Artisan (craftsman-based class)
  • Additional Weapon Prof/Backstab-based skills - disarm, shatter weapon, stun limb (the non-necro wither limb), and eviscerate (think old-school slay - takes you straight to 01 body), evade (dodge vs basic weapon attacks), riposte (physical reflect).
  • Rearranging, removal, and addition of spells (see rulebook, too long to go into here)
  • No cantrips
  • Formal scroll are one-cast only
  • Spellcrafting - use formal scroll effects for one day at a component cost
  • No transform system
It's actually significantly different than that, but the core rules - damage per hit, when to take effects, etc., remain pretty much the same. If you have any specific Int vs All questions, feel free to hit me up.

I would disagree that there are no chapter-specific effects, but they are a bit more rare overall. Seattle has a few variations on the gaze attacks, as well as a few rules specific to certain plot elements (Nature's Vengeance, for example, is a non-necro variant of Create Undead... shadow-walk and shadow-meld are another pair of oddball rules additions Seattle uses)

You'll find your armour is worth more in Alliance than in National... (30 pt max)
another big difference is there is no "conversational combat"

Intl. seemed to favor skill development after the split, and alliance worked more on developing and balancing additional classes (um... and more skills)

We're glad to have you, and that's a very nice rig you've got on in your avatar pic...

See you on the field,
Greetings (again)!

Yes, as has been pointed out - not much in the way of additions or chapter-specific rules. We will of course be happy to answer rules questions or clarifications that you might come up with after checking the book out.

Really, though, what's in the book is pretty much what there is. There are differing interpretations of some rules simply due to vague wording and such, but those are comparatively minor.

-Bryan Gregory
NERO Seattle Head of Rules