HQ 608 Tournament Photographs


Hello, all!

So, I ended up taking over 300 photos at the event, including the Ducal Ball, Sunday tournament events, and the final wave battle! :D I intended to upload them to a public area so that everyone could access them. I was successful in loading the first batch--The Ducal Ball. Unfortunately, there's a monthly limit, which prevents me from uploading the entire group in one shot.

So, here's what I've got so far: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29030604@N ... 427316460/

I'll try to get the others up...somehow. :?

- Kirsten
Nice! Thanks for posting...especially for those of us who couldn't make it. Awesome costuming...I'm so jealous I didn't get out there! Oh well, other duties called. :P
The thought bubbles are based on the uncharacteristically snooty expression on my face in this picture.

Hello, again, all!

In the interest of time, I posted the photos to MySpace (because they let me do them all more or less at once). I apologize in advance if you don't have a MySpace account. I do not mean to be exclusionary nor am I promoting MySpace. Simply put, it was a tool that permitted me to accomplish what I need to do. That said,

Here are images from the tourney--Sunday afternoon: (128 images)

http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.c ... Id=2092792

Here are images from the final wave battle: (113 images)

http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.c ... Id=2093088

I think in my time spent as a Whiterock Dwarf, I owned every version of beard that the Tournament team was wearing. It brought back some really great memories. I want to say thanks again for that.


Justin C.
Tetsu said:
I think in my time spent as a Whiterock Dwarf, I owned every version of beard that the Tournament team was wearing. It brought back some really great memories. I want to say thanks again for that.

<3 <-- Justin stop flashing your butt, its rude.

Justin C.