Hq closer favorites!


NEPA Staff
Please post your favorites from the HQ October event.
1. Mysterious Brown.
2. Brittington: where skilled murderers go to have their actions be government sanctioned. Everyone really committed to consistent, amazing RP and it made this event shine. I am also really amazed at how cohesive a team we were on the battlefield having never fought as a unit before. No verbal communication necessary and everyone did a fantastic job at defending each other and holding a strong line. I've never experienced that before and it was The Funnest.
3. It was wonderful having Tom Wilson back on monster desk. He has a grasp for fair, fun, challenging statting and a great sense of timing regarding crunch that always make for a fun time. He is really good at that job and I am always excited to hear he's doing it.
4. Getting to RP with Evan and Kelsey. I hope you guys plan to visit more next year because I love your characters and your RP game is mad strong, yo. I always forget how talented you guys are until you're there in my face-place and the reminder is always so welcome.
5. Tiny affectionate headbutts for Val and Irina.
6. Seeing Ag get knighted. Somewhere in the Hero's Graveyard, Jovunn is so proud of that guy.
7. Purely out of game: seeing Angrag with Fyktys's sword. Somewhere, V was having a conniption and didn't know why. That thing really gets around.
8. STEAK TIPS. Bill, you are an angel.
9. "Vakkar can go through the green glass door, but Vansir can't." "Th-th-there are n-nnno Vansir." "TOO SOON." "N-nnever forget."
10. Seeing everyone strive to stay in game as much as possible made this event so rewarding and made this one of the most engaging I have played. Thanks to everyone who really worked to keep in character and who were considerate enough to take any OOG discussions to appropriate OOG areas.

Thanks to Donna, Collin, Josh/Alex, Bill, Kyle, and the rest of the HQ staff for a very fun season. I can't wait for next year and look forward to scowling at everyone in 2015.
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I had a great weekend and an overall great season. Thank you to the NPC's and the rest of the HQ Staff that come together to make this happen. Gratz to Donna on what has been a very successful season as the new GM and to Colin as HoP.

--Hands down the best thing all weekend was getting the new team together and working out how we mesh and will work together. Presenting what was basically a squad of unwashed killers to her majesty and requesting the right to name them as my court. Then hearing each in turn speak highly of my PC was really really cool and I can't thank everyone enough for that.

--Picking fights with Ezri. OOG Mich thank you so much for being a good sport about Amar's temper. He's actually a fairly calm and calculating guy who picks his fights but once he crosses a certain threshold of frustration he just explodes in righteous anger at whatever is in his way. Also, thx for picking up on what I was saying without saying in the kitchen.

--Death Overlord fight. Short version we ran a flawless corner post and the death elementals blitzed. Scarn gets running back of the year. Quallen walked away with a statuary garden. I ate all the deaths.

--Kelsey D as Harpia: Never met the character until this weekend but wow that calm constant observation and insight was super helpful and appreciated. Thanks for pointing out just how many stories 11 years as the same character racks up and being willing to sit there and listen to them even though I'm fairly certain OOG you know just about all of them.

--Todd N as Dorgun: Best spymaster. You run the honeypot on the Senechal, I'm running a bigger game with Sonia.

--Cooking and the breakfast crew. Thx for getting everything started in the morning for me. After being up till 4 friday night making the marinade and just collapsing saturday night it was great to know I didn't have to oversee and do EVERY element myself. I do hope everyone enjoys the cooking. I don't intend to quit any time soon.

--"No matter what else happens this weekend, I made a hollandaise sauce from scratch in a barn so I'm pretty proud of myself"

I am certain there are more but I'm fried and at work. See everyone at Nine Towers and hopefully at some parties during the off season.

Head of Food Committee
This was a fun one.

-First and foremost, being in on the ground floor of the new court. An amazing group of savages, outsiders and jerks. I expect big things from this particular group of madmen.

-Grim requesting my presence as a spymaster to deal with goblins. Dorgun trying to explain that this isn't what a spymaster does and Grim telling me to "do what I do." What I do in that scenario is apparently gain the goblins' trust (disconcerting in that I'm in striking distance of multiple death effects) and then engage in an earnest negotiation with the other PCs in regards to severing someone's arm to be cooked at the peace banquet. Thank you to the NPCs who decided to embrace the horror and let me help them entertain the PCs.

-Entertaining PCs. I play Dorgun mostly as a walking fishbowl, I will wander over to folks who seem bored and find a way to either disagree with them or agree with them via a disturbing logical chain of thought.

-Paladin Bollocks. After the Seneschal's complaint that she wasn't being kept informed I saw the paladin the next morning and proceeded to publicly chastise him. I'm constantly amazed at the level of criminal insolence the nobles let Dorgun get away with.

-Causing trouble at the noble informational meetings. Trying not to actually scream at people when I get pieces of information that some people have known for months but never told the nobles about until it's too late to act on the information is hard.

-That little wince Amaranthus gets when somebody important asks Dorgun a question and I turn to him with a quiet "M'lord?"

-"Prolon, did I just spend the last ten minutes spouting treason?"

-Starting Operation Honeypot, and Count Ulthoc's "well done" when I began phase one in the tavern.

-Interactions with the PCs and NPCs in general. I come to RP, and that's literally all I did for the entire event. I call that a win.
In no order what so ever:

'he didn't tell you did he" "nope" *swat swat swat swat* "oh yeah, he told me"
Instant I walk into camp "Joe, I have a role for you" and the ensuing run around the field with Vanguard/Huleen.
Sitting with Qualin and Anna trying to figure out the remaining Map Sat night and actually getting somewhere.
Much conversation with Anna. It was really fun to interact with someone I have been around so much and not gotten to talk to.
Chats with Malimir. Be safe and best fortune, I cannot wait to see you back with us.
seeing "Finally" coming
Handing out the pins to include:
Scarn stating he should have one, and running back to my room and in 30 seconds producing one for him
The Duke stating he understood there was a club that I had started and he needed two.
(sadder note) Grim apologizing after resurrecting that he lost his Pin.
Sergeant Tinder...you rock.
Friday night sweeper patrol- Town asking me if I knew there were figure out down the trail no realizing I had sent a 4 man scout team ahead. I love me some tactics.
Speaking of which - Saturday Morning Goblin Mod. I hope folks enjoyed it. I had almost as much enjoyment watching the fallout afterwards. Thanks to everyone for enduring something very different.
Seeing the Landbond parts plot end cleanly and in a very resounding fashion. There was a proper gravity to the whole thing and I walked out thinking "well that is done, I guess we have only gotten started now...next!"
Subjugating Tom Wilson on the Chaos node fight and sending him at Colin....what a breather we got from that!

Great times, great seasons. Rest up write up and let's do it again.

Joe Siegel
I will write more shortly, but the one standout is my entire character's existence being validated in a single OOG sentence from Collin. As I ask him for some logistical clarification on the impending resurrection, I get this gem:

"The spirit of the tree is clinging to Ezri's spirit like a child to its mother."
Ok, the full list, in no real order.

1- The new club pins. "And you wear that on your chest? Doesn't that make you a target?" "Do you really think it's going to be a bigger target than THIS?" *points to white belt*

2- "I'm in a graveyard. Come get me, b****." Oh really?

3- Running around with Qualin and Scarn most of the weekend. It was kind of a trip having my most badass rangers in town with me.

4- Having my stomach in absolute knots asking Ulthoc the thing. Then doing said thing with our extended little family, and having people get upset they weren't invited. No matter how eloquent I think I am, Tom always shows me up. The reception was pretty damn funny though. Hooray Asitikir.

5- Andy and Irene. Holy crap you two are hilarious. I still draw the line at d*** jokes though.

6- The death mod. We knew the stakes were high going in, and strategized for nearly an hour. We were literally bouncing with adrenaline when that module door finally opened. It took a few minutes and more than a few life spells, but the look of confusion on all the NPCs faces when the hold was called and they turned to see Eric standing over the node was priceless.

7- Sunday morning, plot rolling with my plan of stupid. I really should have told you OOG ahead of time that we had that up our sleeves. I will aspire not to be a d-bag about such things in the future. And the realization that if Scarn can't kill something, it's probably not killable.

8- The argument over whether to try to Kill Zaniya or save the tree and who would do it. Finally shutting down the argument with "I'm regenned, I'm going." The collective "aww" when Collin made the shatter spirit call gave me some warm fuzzies.

9- The most awesome resurrection ever, starting with the thunder of all of you stampeding down the hill to the earth circle. Erika, you may trip over words sometimes but your intention comes through clear as a bell. You made me cry. "Honey your clothes are heavy."

10- Finding out Tempest is now the pilot of Castle Eidelon. It makes complete in-game sense, but Ezri was crushed. She still hasn't really had it set in fully yet. That was an epic curtain-call, Jim. Nicely done.

Seriously, you all choke me up sometimes, the way you treat this character. Thank you for letting me be part of your game.
It's nice actually getting to a point where I feel like I understand my characters and can role play from an internal place. This event helped me reach that with Angrag.

Things I liked in no order:
  • Cross-chapter stuff. I like seeing it. I would like to see (and write) more of it.
  • Pretty much any conversation with Scarn. It helps Angrag to know he isn't crazy, or at least is in exceptionally good company.
  • Turning into the Tree of Life, and the subsequent tree dancing.
  • The Errant Court. What started as a "yeah, I'll go along with that" is already beginning to feel like a family, and that's pretty important to the Last Scion of Skulltaker.
  • Feeling like a big(ish) fighter at the oldest chapter in the Alliance, and getting to go on the big kid chaos elemental mod.
  • Making more friends, outside of the usual three or four people I tend to gravitate toward no matter which character I am playing. I enjoyed interacting with the enormous amount of characters that I got to interact with.
  • That is not Dragon-Wo. Now you have to go into the fire.
  • Mysterious Brown.
  • "This morning, I pulled my boots on and I laced them tightly."

Thanks for the good times. See you next season (or at NH next weekend... or at 9T the weekend after that... or both).
A very kick *** event.
Being the only human around for the "playful" racism time.
Even knowing it was a lowbie rat mod. My reaction to a stone bolt killing something.
Right before the last fight I hear " we are a bunch of kids" than someone else saying " of course we are, we are playing dress up in a make believe story"
Paladin looking me right in the eye and saying " and I thought my helmet was big"
The orgins of Cyprus.....boner golem and boner fish.
The last freaking fight!!!! And all the RP to follow.
Hearing the many jokes that go along with my nicknames. the count, he likes to count his resurrections.
The small Rp time with Count Ulthoc that may put Artalon on a path he never thought he'd be on.
Artalon finally asking baroness Ezri about his home, Entholm, only to be crushed when he thought she was gone forever.
Little goblins giving out gold when searched. And the reactions of some PCs.
" my sword is lost forever!" Looking over the deck seeing it in a sea of burrs. Me saying" ill do it for a gold" " done!! Money well spent"
My turn

-Thank you PCs - toughest batch of chumps that took everything we threw at them
-Thank you NPCs - hardcore animals who were willing to listen to every crazy word I said and die on the blades of our enemies.
-Balloch - Yep. There's a lot to that guy. Glad to see that even at my most hated, people are ready to protect a paladin.
-I'm in a graveyard....
-Statue of Liberty successful. Golem Tanking...not so much
-The crowd at the end of the Flame Node mod.
-The Carte Arcana. The first time I made a prop. Go me.
-The whole Node game. Did you know that Kendrick has 8 letters in it?
-The flowchart of the 1st Battle of Eidolon.
-Sticking Tempest into the Pilot spot.
-Helping form the errant court.

I'm sore and in so much pain. I love it.
See everyone around.
So much amazing in one event yet again! I have a list of favorites except the #1 spot has always been and will continue to be - the NPCs

- you guys are ROCKSTARS and the turn out of new people was absolutely amazing, thank you Binghamton college for supporting an awesome game and I hope they continue to bring in more people to play.

Now in regards to game- and not in any specific order

RP all weekend, it was constant, and I loved it.

Everything jade skeleton plot and those involved.

Vincent's many many screw ups :,(

Props- the whole wires running from Donna looked awesome.

Everything Alto!

The nobles of the gathering, it was interesting to watch the meetings and listen in on discussions this event as information became relevant.

Characters personal Hatreds against eachother.

Healers guild drama D: hopefully vincent, being part of it, can help hash all that out xD

Watching kailani evolve because of her status change, much more commanding now.

Castlebur is a jerk <3

Cyprus - "it's been two minutes did you really need to waylay me again!?" Lol

Amaranthus and his food! Always entertaining, at least OOG to me :P

All the plot and cross chapter plot coming together was just absolutely amazing and made for an amazing weekend.

paladin ballochs

Michelle and her touchdown dive onto the tree

My mod group - mike - "Light em up!!!"
This is the future adults in action, that group worked too perfectly

That's all I could think of at the moment, if I missed anything, add yourself to my favorites because you probably were included
The event was awesome over all!!

I really liked how many people were willing to talk to and comfort my dryad and help her learn all the new things

the lovely wedding after party and engagement

The whole Jade Skeleton plot was interesting along with Zaniya

Bright Oak and Anna!

Pushing my comfort zone on socialization was also fun!

The lovely spirit tree being saved!!

The food

all the feels Agari had when the first dryad she sees since waking up was Ruis in pain

So much... can't wait to get stronger so I can join tougher mods!!! <3
Thanks to everyone who indulged in my challenge and put forward the effort to keep in character this weekend -- I think it made a huge difference. Being fully immersed in a world instead of allowing yourself to straddle the fence between IC and OOC makes for an environment that feels much more genuine and it created some really great RP moments. And speaking of great moments:

- Playing Harpia again. It's been three years since I played her and I was very nervous about trying to find her personality again. Thanks to everyone who roleplayed with me and helped me reconnect with the character.
- Prolon/Harpia reunion. I appreciate the fact that of the two creeper sibling moments, everyone dutifully went "UHHH" and avoided eye contact while it occurred.
- Kitchen roleplay. Literally some of the best roleplay I had this weekend was while I was either cooking or cleaning in the kitchen. It was a nice treat (no pun intended)!
- A few quiet little scenes with Abbath. My favorite roleplay moments tend to be the ones I least expect.

Thanks for the weekend, dudes. I look forward to playing Harpia in HQ next season!
I just want to go out on a limb and say that I really liked this event. I think that the level of RP brought by the PCs and the NPCs was amazing. I think that monster desk made every single player get to feel like a ******* HERO without leaving anyone feeling like they were wasting their time. Plot made the moment feel tense, important, scary even, and then made it all feel like it was worth our stress and heartache. I was busy the whole weekend, and so was everyone else. This event should really be observed and modeled after as a demonstration of how your typical event SHOULD go. There weren't any visible f*** ups in the weekend. There were only a few moments where I was like, "It's been a while since anything has happened." Overall, I think everyone on staff should be proud of themselves and the work they did.

1: Brittington court. Getting to play with such a crack team of awesome RPers and combatants is amazing. We got big quick, but the way we are communicating and fighting together makes it seem like we've been together a lot longer than one or two events. The enemies of the court had better watch their backs.

2: I know this is selfish, but: Waylaying over 20 goblins. Literally. I felt like a gorram superhero. I'm sorry for killing anyone else's fun by doing that, but I was just way too in the groove to stop.

3: I know that Vincent is getting the raw end of the deal, but I hope that Jeremy understands that his little snaffoo with the skeletons is creating a lot of great roleplay for other players and characters. I know it sucks to be at the wrong end of the stick, but I hope that the knowledge that you are making other people's game better helps soften the sting a little.

4: Trying to find a path for Jorma is engaging. He feels unbalanced and unsure, but I know where his ship is headed. Having Harpia, Prolon, Amar, Dorgun and even Cyprus advising, guiding, and molding how that transformation takes place is a compelling and enriching experience.

5: I loved being able to say "I killed an elemental overlord." It was a scaled mod, which is awesome because the immensity of the task is not depleted, but I was allowed to engage in it without getting my face owned.

6: Being able to **** talk everyone IG and having it known OOG that I don't feel that way.

7: Hanging with Cyprus. Such an unlikely companion, but that dryad just GETS ME.

8: Angrag. Just Angrag. Being near Angrag. Listening to Angrag. Angrag.

9: Feeling like I was really a PART of HQ. As Tvard, I have never felt invested in anything, but being a native of the world and interacting with all the people within it feels awesome. I'm so happy to be a part of Icenea and giving a s*** about what happens to it.

In many, many ways, I am sorry the season is over, but I am glad it ended as well as it did. I cannot imagine having a better closer for this character, in this chapter, with these people. I'll see you all next year (or hopefully sooner).
Right before the last fight I hear "we are a bunch of kids" than someone else saying "of course we are, we are playing dress up in a make believe story"
And I stand by that. We are grownups who haven't lost our sense of fun and play and I am forever grateful for it.

THANK YOU STAFF AND NPCS!!! As always, your tireless dedication shows through in every aspect of the event. Well done, all.

- The top-notch roleplay from everyone I got to interact with. Not being on a team/court can be difficult, but it gives Irina the opportunity to get to know individual people rather than lumping them into groups, and I treasure the interactions that come from that dynamic. Special love to Grim, Ferra, Chulainn, Ezri, Angrag, Abbath, Val, Jorma, Scarn, Ruis, Noot, Paladin Balloch, Seneschal Garrick. Fantastic moment after fantastic moment.

- Related to the above: getting pinged to participate in things not because of my stat card, but because of Irina's relationships. The roleplay is always worth it just on its own, but the inclusion this weekend was especially cool.

- Blythedale Kid you are such a good sport. Seriously.

- Andy and Irene Smythe, and how after a certain point people were just requesting we do our bit. We should have had a tip basket.

- Playful Racism in the form of "What would my name be if I were a [different race]??"

- 90% of the town enjoying some astikir together during downtime, turning into trees and birds (with their appropriate dances), and generally being goofy and having fun.

- "Wait, WHAT'S your Dwarf name?"
"Anvil Fuzzyface Heavythingswinger!"
"Hea... Heavythingswinger?! That doesn't make any sense!!"

- Cookies, cider, apple crisp, mac and cheese and all the non-tavern snacks.


- "Val... Drink."

- Jinx eventually realising that it's unseemly to be naked without fur and borrowing Irina's shawl post-rez.

- The visual of Zaniyah all jacked into the circle in Castle Eidolon. Also, the visual of the circle detonating and leaving nothing but wires and piles of clothes behind. Something straight out of 'Akira' right there. Boss as hell.

- "M'lord?"
"Yes Irina?"
"If you need any help with that, you let me know."
"I think you doing that thing you do would be an excellent idea."
Oh Vincent, you silly boy.

- Scarn offering to be Irina's wingman, realising that "If you stand next to me it'll make me look better" is actually an insult to the wingman, and realising that someday he has to kill Alor for tricking him.

- Mysterious Brown.

Usually I'm feeling pretty burnt out by this point in the season and for the first time in years, I'm sad to see the season end. I'm not done playing my Fool and I'm not done playing in the Tar'Navarrian playground. Ashbury staff, thank you again for an excellent event and season arc. I'll hopefully see many of you at Deadlands this weekend and during the off-season. MUCH LOVE!
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( disclaimer this was written from my phone at work so expect the grammar and punctuation to get slain by my little sausage fingers )

Such a good freaking year ! So impressed by supremely high levels of professionalism and immersion you guys offer, everyone needs to take a second to just pat themselves on the back for such an outstanding job.... seriously ... do it !

In no particular order -

This event was especially important for me . I felt that Cyprus finally came into his own and is beginning to become second nature as opposed to having to "get into character". Again i thank you all for that
- Tom "the weed wacka " Wilson
- Lurking the edges of the battles as a Thessi assasin friday night and alto/ tinder being such badasses with it. I crept up and eavesdropped on a lot of secret conversations that night , maybe the assasin will have to write into the news letter ...muahahahah
-trying to convince people they hung my picture in the tavern for holding the record for worlds faster pantherghast kill
- "Jorma lets do the thing" and the resulting human impressions. Frisco you are a true rp badass
- the flame node mod, hats off to monster desk ! That bad boy was statted perfectly. Such a close nail bighter. Lesson learned .... spirit link everything and leave the production in the cabin
- Kailani's baller rez stories !
- running naked with jinx in the field after the sucessful ressurections and everyone givingnthe " typical gilded claw " looks
- getting waylayed by a goblin .... surrounded by people .... in the center of town....with a polearm. It was so great I took it on principal
- awesome time as the goblin looking for Martin the bread maker. The Pcs were champs Rping with us instead of just turbo murdering us. When Grim put Sams goblin in time out I almost lost it.
- the recognize game .... probably the last time any of us will be invested in any circle
- " I dont want to go back in the box !"
-every thing Donna and the golemancer ! She was over 9000! ( see that see what i did there )
- Being attatched to Kailani's hip when she had the spirit tree

as post larp depression sets in I cant wait to see everyone at the barran closer and next year !