HQ Logistics News

I have just completed all update requests that were in my inbox. I will now be sending the database to have the new skills added to it. Until I get it back I am unable to do any updates. I will let everyone know when I have it back.

Following the April event, and it's post-event update, I will again be sending the database, this time to be upgraded to a completely new version. One side effect of some changes to the character form is that all characters will have to be re-entered BY HAND. Please be lenient with any requests after the event to allow the time for all that data entry.

Also, I am pleased to announce that Robb Graves (AKA Celestial guildmaster Nathan Westwind) will be taking care of Logistics concerns between events. That means that all e-mails will go through him. He is a new Logistics Minion so, once again, take it easy on him as he learns the ropes and muddles through all the data entry mentioned above.

Mike Engler
Okay, so what you're saying is everyone send Robb at least five emails post event with attachments of PDFs outlining logistical requests in blueprint format. Sweet.

For really reals, thanks for helping out Robb!
no problem. :mrgreen: we'll be announcing more logistics news soon. there are some things in the works we haven't mentioned yet because they are going to take a little work before we can implement them. good things coming folks, stay tuned.
Tetsu said:
Okay, so what you're saying is everyone send Robb at least five emails post event with attachments of PDFs outlining logistical requests in blueprint format.

I regret to inform you that a mysterious virus has every record of Tetsu in every database in the Alliance. Sorry, but you'll have to start from scratch. ;) j/k
You can hold off on inputting at least one character BY HAND. You can do mine when I get back :) I'll be a big enough pain in the butt just making sure I get the event blankets from a couple chapters throughout the year.

Much love logistics, much love!
Gwendara said:
You can hold off on inputting at least one character BY HAND. You can do mine when I get back :) I'll be a big enough pain in the butt just making sure I get the event blankets from a couple chapters throughout the year.

Much love logistics, much love!

Once a new version is available the old one needs to remain "as is" as a record of when that database stopped being current. Thanks for the thought, but Gwen will need to go into the new Db with everyone else.
I got the Db back over the weekend and just completed all requests that came in while it was out.