HQ Logistics


New Hampshire Staff
Chief Publicity and Digital Content Officer
Do you folks sell elf ears at logistics? It appears my kids have... well.... done something with mine.

I don't think we do to be honest.

Did you happen to snag some when we got the potion vials.
i thought there was a bag of ears and horns in the one locker. i mean there was when i worked there, but that was last year.
We usually do - not sure if we have any left though.
RiddickDale said:
Do you folks sell elf ears at logistics? It appears my kids have... well.... done something with mine.


You are not an elf. Not with that beard. At best you are a half elf.
Duke Frost said:
You are not an elf. Not with that beard. At best you are a half elf.

And you're too tall. At best you are a half-elf, half-giant. ;)

The short beardless one
aara said:
Duke Frost said:
You are not an elf. Not with that beard. At best you are a half elf.

And you're too tall. At best you are a half-elf, half-giant. ;)

The short beardless one

I am a Tolkien elf. That's why I have no beard. I'm probably actually average height for a Tolkien elf. Now if I could just get rid of all these damn bulky muscles, I'm just not portraying the slender part right.

You are D&D elf height...

Delualdur's elf beard > Riddick's elf beard.

Duke Frost said:
I am a Tolkien elf. That's why I have no beard. I'm probably actually average height for a Tolkien elf. Now if I could just get rid of all these damn bulky muscles, I'm just not portraying the slender part right.

You are D&D elf height...

No, no, we have to go with one type of elf, and since we are D&D based, I'm right.

aara said:
Duke Frost said:
I am a Tolkien elf. That's why I have no beard. I'm probably actually average height for a Tolkien elf. Now if I could just get rid of all these damn bulky muscles, I'm just not portraying the slender part right.

You are D&D elf height...

No, no, we have to go with one type of elf, and since we are D&D based, I'm right.


D&D is based on Tolkien however. Where do you think orcs come from?
Duke Frost said:
D&D is based on Tolkien however. Where do you think orcs come from?
Right, but he got elves wrong. Everyone knows that. ;)
aara said:
Duke Frost said:
D&D is based on Tolkien however. Where do you think orcs come from?
Right, but he got elves wrong. Everyone knows that. ;)

Like the millions of people who went to see the moves? I don't think so. Tolkien Elves > D&D Elves
Duke Frost said:
aara said:
Duke Frost said:
D&D is based on Tolkien however. Where do you think orcs come from?
Right, but he got elves wrong. Everyone knows that. ;)

Like the millions of people who went to see the moves? I don't think so. Tolkien Elves > D&D Elves

Us D&D elves can totally hamstring you Tolkien beasts.
How many D&D elves can you even name?


Legolas - #1 heartthrob elf ever
Gil Galad
Elrond (half elven, I know, but he chose elven)

And that's just off the top of my head.

I can name one D&D elf off the top of my head...Tanis (half elven with a beard)

Heck, I can name more Dragon Age elves than D&D elves.
zehnyu said:
Corellen Larethian.

Just sayin',

That's right Ali - Us Little elves need to stick together!

There are:
Araevin Teshurr
Ellifain Tuuserail
Galaeron Nihmedu
Google of Mialee = 59,000 results

Google of Legolas = 8,470,000 results

Just sayin'
Duke Frost said:
Google of Mialee = 59,000 results

Google of Legolas = 8,470,000 results

Just sayin'

Just because the D&D movie blew chunks and Legolas got cast as one of the hottest guys ever, that's why.

I bet more D & D elves exist than Tolkien ones, just because SO many of us pen & paper dorks have drawers full of characters.
Besides, all the Tolkien elves ran away from Middle Earth as soon as they had the chance. The D & D elves don't go running to the Undying Lands whenever things change.

Thus short elves > tall elves