Huge Work Weekend Thanks

Duke Frost

A big thank you to the people that came out to work weekends this pre-season.

Rich Ditzler
Emily Desmarais
William Mann
Mike Brenizer
Robb Graves
Amanda Wells
Jinu Kang
Chris Marcikonis
Tim Gailey
Justin Coggin
Kelly Buch
Dave Erhart
Brian Whittman

Through their hard work we have some cool new additions to the site and a much cleaner, nicer site. If you see any of them at the event, it wouldn't hurt to give them a thank you for making our game that much better.

FP Prez
thx a ton!!
Thanks to everyone who helped!

Remember that we (well, Scott and Dee mostly) are working very hard to bring you the best site there is, but it could be 100% better each weekend with more volunteers. Imagine how much could get done if we had even half the amount of people who normally attend an event. Please dedicate a weekend this summer for helping FP and then not only can you have a much better place to play but you can point proudly at your accomplishments as well!

If 30 or 40 people show up at a work weekend, I will expect you to be there managing them all.
thanks for the recognition scott ... :( :x
And special thanks to Amanda Robbins for all her hard work this past weekend.

Sorry about that Amanda! I'm doing a million things at once all the time and wrote that list out of memory from four work weekends.

If I forgot anyone else, pipe up and grab your recognition!

Great job guys..keep it up
Awesome job guys, thanks!

I know every time these get posted I always check to see if there is some remote chance I can make it up. I'd love to get out of the house for a weekend (or even a day) and help out. The only real way possible would be if I brought my kids, but that doesn't seem like a good idea at all. :lol:
Thank you, volunteers! We appreciate your hard work!

When I build my teleporter, I will definitely be up there to help you.
welcome scott, sorry i couldnt stay long, you know i prolly could have then sent me home form work after 2hours f being there >.<