Humans (Sapiens)

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Sapiens (Humans)

Locations: Cloud Empire, Pirates, Small communities in the wild lands
Year of Reckoning: Imperial
Government: Imperial, Maritime Law

Humans are found nearly everywhere within the Maelstrom, they are the highest population within the Empire, yet they can be found in small villages and hamlets in the Southern and Western Wild lands, as well as being found among the Pirates. The thing that makes them uniquely human is their adaptability and drive to forge their lives. Sapiens is what the Empire refers to them as, to differentiate between them and the Getragen (prior to about 14 years ago, there were Highbloods and Sapiens and both were called Humans by outsiders, then the Highbloods grew feathers and claws and now call themselves Getragen, so the word Sapien has fallen out of favor supplanted by “human.”)

Humans shine in the Empire. Considered related to the Getragen, and the “backbone of the Empire” they have full rights and privileges. They can own lands, be Overlords, and technically could even hold the position of Emperor (though it is hereditary). It did strike many humans as odd that when the feathers and claws grew on the Highbloods that those individuals had already been in the most affluent positions of power. Sages and conspiracy theorists both have much to say on how society has stratified whether it be by blood or that their success is what made them Getragen.

Brought along with the Getragen when they first settled near the Maelstrom, Humans have been in these lands as long as any other race can recall. Several events within the Maelstrom have been uniquely Human centric. A Hobling ship arrived in 1743, 4e (the fourth era, about 1298 years ago) carrying a contingent of Nobles from another human land. These nobles became quite a sensation for the Humans in the Empire and many Sapiens would travel hundreds of miles to hear their leader, Dame Isabella, speak about the world outside of the Maelstrom, her home kingdom called Icenia, and their governing principle, the Code of Chivalry.

The very popular and charismatic Dame Isabella founded the Order of Chivalry, dedicated to acting in a way which is consistent with the Icenian Code. The Order persists to this day and people from many races follow its eight tenants presented below:

-Thou Shalt Respect the weak, teach them to be strong, and constitute thyself the defender of them until they may stand on their own. (Take care of those who cannot, but teach them to be strong)
-Thou shalt love the land to which thou hast sworn fealty, and the peoples that thou hast sworn to protect. (Love the Empire!)
-Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy. (Be Brave, don’t let fear rule your heart)
-Thou shalt make war upon evil without cessation. (Strive to make the world better!)
-Thou shalt perform the duties of the Champion, and make them the laws of the land. Scrupulously in deed and scrupulous in aims, let not darkness and evil pave the way for good and righteousness. (The first part of this tenant is illegal in the Empire - though many Houses with high membership in the Order have worked to change Imperial law to match the ideals of the code, the second is considered more important in day to day life, to be scrupulous in intention and deeds and to not do evil for the sake of doing good.)
Thou shalt not lie and thou shalt remain faithful to thy word. (Don’t lie, don’t go back on your word.)
-Thou shalt be Generous and give freely to others who are deserving, and who shalt not take solely for their own greed. Thou shalt give to those who would not be made weaker or dependent upon thee from the receiving of the giving. (Don’t be greedy, give to people who need it).
-Thou shalt everywhere and always be the Champion of the right and the good against injustice and evil. (Everywhere you go, always be good).

Many people who try to follow the ideals set down in the code have had historic problems with slavery, joining their voices with House Heinlen to call for freedom for all. The code seems designed for people to be ideal examples of righteousness and it is considered not practical to follow the code completely, but to give it respect. The Order holds monthly local meetings and one fairly large week long event in the summer, where individuals come together and have contests of marital and crafting skill, as well as it being a Cook Out (see below).

They symbol/crest of the Order is a half purple, half silver shield, with a peregrine falcon heraldic symbol, the family crest of the founder.

Another event that is largely considered a human achievement is the negotiation of the end of Cyndarin’s war at the start of the fifth era, approximately 963 years ago (a bloody war that lasted 88 years between Quyah’scenthaal and the Cloud Empire). Members of the Order of Chivalry helped to broker a peace, and a large number of them joined in the Durchblasen - a program for hunting down and bringing to justice necromancers within the Empire.

Humans have no specific way of acting, talking, or dressing. They do not have specific feelings towards other races and typically get along with other races as the individual families have taught them to. Most humans are generally good natured.

Marriage is monogamous and is a fairly large communal event, a judge or impartial community leader will perform the ceremony. Child rearing is a shared responsibility. Adoption can be done by any couple regardless of gender and orientation. Humans have one tradition which the Getragen find very peculiar, the Cook Out. A family group, along with friends and other members of the community, will bring food to a central location and cook it there then eat it. As such, generally what is cooked is simple foods, cold beer is frequently shared among the adults. Cook Outs are held for almost every occasion, from weddings to birthdays, to standard Imperial Celebrations. Anyone is invited to attend a Cook Out so long as they bring enough food to share.

Humans typically bury their dead in wooden coffins, about six feet underground in cemeteries. The Dead dressed in finery and with any jewelry or tokens that were important to the deceased, and generally with coins over their eyes (usually copper or silver, but wealthy may use gold or platinum). Because of this, human graves are targets of grave robbers and necromancers.
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