Hunger and Salvation

To my once and future kind,

I have let you keep the earth shard so that you may protect and embolden the sub-plane, and I have sacrificed a chance for respite or even salvation from my hunger.

But now I feel it growing, and it will soon be unstoppable.

Please, hide your children. Hide yourselves. Leave no mark of your passing. Trust not wards, nor circles. They will not protect you.

You asked me to destroy myself, but that is not the way of a king. I cannot undo the Withering if I am dead. I cannot cure the blight and infertility if I am gone. And I cannot make amends for my wrongs by choosing the coward’s path, the path of suicide. You want me dead because you cannot believe my existence can ever contribute to the greater good. Giving up has never contributed to the greater good.

I will answer for the crimes of my former life with every moment of suffering I have and will endure, with every newborn elf that will be born, with every year I serve my people. There is one among you who knows there is good in me. If she chooses not to speak on the matter, so be it.

I know that my visage is a nightmare and that my crimes have been horrific, but I promise you, I will make this right, if you will but only reach out to me, and help.

But until that day which I can stand before you, run.

This is not a threat. It is a desperate plea. I am begging you.

Run and hide.
