I apologize!

It came to my attention not to long ago that I made a mistake....(imagine that :lol: ) It seems I had "cost the Kingdom" enough money or something like that. :oops: I apologize if that is how some people see it as. I was not told or made aware in any way of things that were transpiring around me and about me. If maybe I could make a suggestion with out angering anyone.....if there is something important that involves money or law suits or things like that , please let the parties know. Things of this nature could be avoided. I kind of feel like an idiot because of this incident.I didn't find anything out till way after. When I finally did I kind of felt like I got a slap in the face for trying to do what I promised someone I would do. :o I apologize for the mix up and hope that everything has come out right in the end. :cry:
Thank you for hearing me out. :oops:

Besides that I hope everyone is having a good time and enjoying this cold season!Can't wait to see everyone! ;)

-silvara fierfox velimous

(oog sterling)