I Crave More than Bug Men!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Don't get me wrong, these bug men are a delicious blend of texture! Crunchy on the outside, tender and slimy on the inside!

...and yet, I grow tired of them! A year of nothing brought to me but the bugs, the common prey that dwells in my lake, and the occasion unlucky fisherman! My stomach grows stagnant! Variety is what my diet lacks! What about fur? Flesh? Scales? Feathers? Mmmmmmmmm... Just thinking about them makes my mouth water! I can almost feel my teeth sinking into them and ripping them apart scrumptious piece by scrumptious piece! mmmmmmMMMMMmmmm....

Maybe if I don't start adding a bit of variety to my meals, I might have to start to straying a little closer to the nearest village in search of food...

...if you catch my meaning...

- Feast Croc