I hate to be a bother...


For reasons I'd rather not say right now, I don't have a spellbook. I'm an Earth scholar and was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to allow me to borrow their's for long enough to memorize my spells while I'm in town. I'm hoping that there won't be any need for healing, but one can never be too careful, and I want to be able to help as much as I can if something were to happen.
The Earth Guild has a book available for memorization if you have need of it. Just let me know if you would like to use it.
The Laetshi family has spellbooks and teachers available to anyone who will use the knowledge we bestow to defend the Realm for free, and to others at a cost. In our continuing endevor to see the Strega put to an end, we 'd like to see all healers be at their maximum capability. Gypsy Camp can be found in the middle of the meadow.

~Kerjal Obcidian Laetshi
Oh! Thank you very much, all of you. I can't wait to meet you.

I will see you this weekend!