I must apologize

I would say no. Much higher profile figure, and also still essentially human. Plus, there is precedent in film and television for people being "the real Santa" whereas his bunnyship not so much. Anyone claiming to be Santa has a pretty decent chance of being passed off as a harmless eccentric, anyone who demands to be acknowledged as the actual Easter Bunny is asking for a one way ticket to a state hospital and a closed ward.
how about a transformer easter bunny?

Yikes.... Same here. Creeeepy.
Rampant self-promotion is exactly the kind of human failing that will allow the Cylons to get the jump on us. Stop derailing the thread.
I think the main problem with this wasn't so much the name as that he was being disruptive to other patrons. It's sort of a he-said-she-said situation though, so who knows?
Dan Nickname Beshers said:
We all admire your restraint. Can't you admit that sometimes some things are bigger than just one person?

But what if the guy's like over 7' tall? That's a really big guy...