I need a sword


Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
I broke my sword again. I need a new one now. I have a sword but it's a tiny sword and tiny sword don't make as big of cuts in merchants as big swords do. So I need a big sword. Does anyone have a big sword?
Why you want cut merchants? That no way get big sword from them.

Me also need weapons, but me have bigger list of weapons me need than me have gold, not cuts, for buy them. If you blacksmith or have extra weapons and want make good trade for thing other than gold, me have offer for you.

-Cho Ko Nu
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I have little gold for buy weapons but if you sell me big sword for thing other than gold like favor i would like buy big sword from you. Oh, and i make big cuts in merchant because merchant steal from me. I think I made the dark skin pointed ears Dure'dhel happy because he laugh when i chase merchant.
It seem we both have little gold. Maybe we both need strike deal with blacksmiths for favors, maybe help them clear out monsters from mines or something. Who be big blacksmiths? Tazoulti? Iganeous? Thorador? Jehyu? Any you hear this? Want make lots of weapons for favors and maybe little bit of gold?

-Cho Ko Nu
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Sorry Cho Ko Nu, I'm still in the valley of ghosts keeping an eye on my workshops here, then I need to go Barran and make sure those are okay and maybe then Asyl....I don't think I'll be around for awhile.

Valley of Ghosts? Sound dangerous, you be braver than when we last meet, Jehyu. Stay safe me friend.

For any and all willing blacksmith or traders of weapons, me need all these:

Eighty (80) Arrows
Six (6) Javelins
Long Hammer
Short Mace
Long Mace
Short Axe
Long Axe

We negotiate price or make trade in favors.

-Cho Ko Nu
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I have found myself in possession of a large stockpile of weapons that I’ve collected to supply a town guard for Shademarch. I’m sure I have at least one of each you’re looking for I can trade in exchange for a favor. Perhaps if you wouldn’t mind overseeing the final developments of the Shademarch Earth Guild between Feb 23rd through March 24th I can provide those weapons you need. It would also be seen as a great act towards the Earth Guild, especially in regards to protecting one of its branches.
If you know what I mean…

Me accept you offer! Thank you!

-Cho Ko Nu
Me also need great sword or maybe some pointy pole arm. no club pole arm though.