
Please anyone!

AS soon as I got home this evening ta da school the whole thing wuz jest gone! GONE!!!!!

I not sure what happened, theres a big crater where da school wuz....

All ah got ta gone on is a huge spike in magical energy centering around where da circles were...and some temporal distortion strands all over da area.... dis place crawls wit power its makin mah ta... ears twitch!

at da risk ah soundind dumb time is critical here.... we need ta act right away but ah know very little about temporis magistrum havin focused mre time on void, shadow, and light magics for da last 2 yrs...

all but what I carrried last market day... and all my research is gone with da school so I'm essentially useless...

Toga... yar da expert here... who do we go ta!

Elle, Bart, Khalin... meet me right away at da safehouse...

All of you... take care and don't aproach da disturbance without precaution


I might have some information that you might find usefull.

Hmm, What? When did that happen?

Well what was about to say? Oh, umm well... I say, maybe this tid bit is important.

An old aversary has made their presence known,
that which is lost will be found and lost again,
a young one's metal will be tested inbetween the here and then and now.

Hope that helps,

Some call me The Storyteller, although I not so certain why.
I'm usually good at understanding you but you lost me a little on this one.

Who are you talking about?
Were we talking about something Togashin of the Spire?

The Story Teller
What spire?
Wow, this is disturbing to say the least. Jehan, what you are describing is simular to what the Celestines did in Prathmore. Were there any bodies? I know this is painful to ask, but, if it is the same magic that I know of then we are in some serous trouble. They do have the power to travel in time, but, why they would be here or do this I do not know. I will do what I can to help you.

Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow

please if you find the time... come see me so we can discuss this latest threat and how to try to defend...I guess I can try to talk to the storyteller... and see if I can parcel out his riddles.


I will come talk to you about what i have learned as soon as possible.

Ok... im in the woods near Elles cottage... i guess I have to go to prath moore in a few days... maybe ill see you there.

byersmatthew said:
I might have some information that you might find usefull.

Hmm, What? When did that happen?

Well what was about to say? Oh, umm well... I say, maybe this tid bit is important.

An old aversary has made their presence known,
that which is lost will be found and lost again,
a young one's metal will be tested inbetween the here and then and now.

Hope that helps,

Some call me The Storyteller, although I not so certain why.

Flee Not In Terror...
Or Well You Should.
For When He Comes,
You'll Wish You Could.

Time May Flux,
And Deaths May Toll,
For You Know Not,
Loss Of Control.
Speak in riddles
If you dare
For he is truth
Regardless of care.
The young may yearn
for knowledge lost
but all will come
with too much cost.
Speak not of which
you do not know
life is a journey
we all must grow.
Some seek wisdom
some seek fame
some seek truth
as if a game.
A word of wisdom
to all who listen
do not be lured
by times glisten.

I see not
with mine own eyes.
Danger lurks
without suprise.
Prepared I am
for what may come
but believe me not
Your young one.

I look forward to speaking further with you...when the time is right.
