I promise I am pocket-sized!


So! I don't know how I got here, but here I am, so I figured I'd stick around for the upcoming gather. Or something. Does anyone have a nice hobling-sized space they can spare me for sleeping, maybe, possibly, hopefully? Or even a not-hobling-sized space? Orc sized spaces are acceptable. 'Cause I'm not sure if I actually know anyone here. I have wine! Yeah!

..but I might not have any left by the time the gather rolls around. Yeeeaah.

- Evie Paldo-Naobi
I doubt my team will have extra space for sleeping, but I do know my belly has extra room for wine--especially with hoblings! Share a bottle and I will share some treats, friend.

Safe travels,

Perwin Poppinfresh
Black Forest
Evie, my dear, there are accomodations already made for you.
Yay! Oh, Gebous. I forgot how awesome you are.
