IBGA plot submission deadlines, now and going forward

Hi All,

This is a friendly announcement because I don't think we've made this clear before but I we are setting a deadline for plot submissions for the April weekend event to be a week from today. (March 20th)

In the future the plot submission deadline for events going forward will be 1 week after the event that that just happened. So for example the IBGA plot submission deadline for the May event will be April 15th, one week Sunday after the April 6,7,8 weekend event.

If you submit an IBGA after this deadline we will NOT be responding to it until the event after next. So for example if you send us a plot submission on April 20th or whatever, we will be answering that for the June event.

We are instituting this policy because we need to have plot submissions well in advance if we want to be able to work IG responses and storyline repercussions into the arc of the upcoming weekend plot.

We greatly like to receive plot submissions and learning about what your characters are trying to do and seeking out in the world so keep them coming! :)