The IBGAS for searching will be going out tonight to allow folks to make their plans in game over the next event.
In case the in game instructions have been vague Plot wanted to make sure everyone understands the following for phase 2.
A.) Only in game allies will be effective for this phase. If your pc is attending the castle they should not go and be tagged as a threat . Alts MAY go, but since they cannot be harmed/killed etc. they will not factor into the behind the scenes considerations to determine victory/defeats.
B.) Assaults on the nodes will be revealed by the dreamscape as plot resolves them, this will begin as soon as the first quests are received. That said any ally group used will not be able to assault two nodes. Although some allys may supply more than one group.
C.) Each PC may only instigate 1 assault. Plot will allow for a limited pre-assault response. (IE Griffon wants to ask X,Y,and Z group to attack the node of elements.) Once an assault has been launched, PCs are encouraged to assist other PCs with ideas, but will NOT be allowed to contact additional groups about other assaults.
D.) Many in game groups may be unwilling to participate unless approached by someone who has been in contact with them, Make sure to think about this in your planning!
E.) IBGA responses will range on a following scale of threat level. The Lower they are on the list, the more dangerous that attempt will be. One of the five phrases below will appear in every IBGA response tonight so make sure to find the one in yours!
<A Number of Corrupt are in the Area>
<The area seems densely packed with corrupt>
<The Area is dangerous, you have to be very careful>
<The Area looks very dangerous, with multiple constructs and large corrupt>
<The area is extremely dangerous and you barely have time to identify the magic>
F.) Finally this conflict may well shape the world to come for the foreseeable future. Remember in your planning that while you might make the final confrontation easier, you might also see some of your allies give their all to make it happen, or even fall, short of their goal. Who you send were (and how many groups go/if they mix together well) will be the determining factors in each assualt!
In case the in game instructions have been vague Plot wanted to make sure everyone understands the following for phase 2.
A.) Only in game allies will be effective for this phase. If your pc is attending the castle they should not go and be tagged as a threat . Alts MAY go, but since they cannot be harmed/killed etc. they will not factor into the behind the scenes considerations to determine victory/defeats.
B.) Assaults on the nodes will be revealed by the dreamscape as plot resolves them, this will begin as soon as the first quests are received. That said any ally group used will not be able to assault two nodes. Although some allys may supply more than one group.
C.) Each PC may only instigate 1 assault. Plot will allow for a limited pre-assault response. (IE Griffon wants to ask X,Y,and Z group to attack the node of elements.) Once an assault has been launched, PCs are encouraged to assist other PCs with ideas, but will NOT be allowed to contact additional groups about other assaults.
D.) Many in game groups may be unwilling to participate unless approached by someone who has been in contact with them, Make sure to think about this in your planning!
E.) IBGA responses will range on a following scale of threat level. The Lower they are on the list, the more dangerous that attempt will be. One of the five phrases below will appear in every IBGA response tonight so make sure to find the one in yours!
<A Number of Corrupt are in the Area>
<The area seems densely packed with corrupt>
<The Area is dangerous, you have to be very careful>
<The Area looks very dangerous, with multiple constructs and large corrupt>
<The area is extremely dangerous and you barely have time to identify the magic>
F.) Finally this conflict may well shape the world to come for the foreseeable future. Remember in your planning that while you might make the final confrontation easier, you might also see some of your allies give their all to make it happen, or even fall, short of their goal. Who you send were (and how many groups go/if they mix together well) will be the determining factors in each assualt!