If I may, how did everyone fare over Market Day?


I apologize to everyone that I was unable to show up, but something else caught my attention, and I got terribly sidetracked.

As I didn't show up, I just wish to ask what happened, and please, list the generally important stuff first. In all honesty, I'm not too terribly keen on what you got, or if you killed a boggle or something. Just the big things that happened. Granted I'm sure I'll hear all about it from Brother Gearfree when I awaken in the morning, but still, he's at the bottom of the chain when it comes to brightness and improvising and the such, so it'd be much better to hear from someone such as Brother Eric Marsters, Gandian Ravenscroft, or Sheriff Fern. I apologize, and I'm sure there are others who are also good at explaining, but off-hand I can only remember these three that are good at getting to the point.
Brother Icey,

I've sent you a pigeon regarding my experiences. I hope others do the same to fill you in, as no one person can know everything about what happens at a market day.

Brother Eric
agreed no one person knows everything that happened on a market day. i myself helped in the capture of some thieves that were claiming to be tax collectors as to who they were working for you might want to ask the sheriff.

Iganeous Ironforge