If You 'Ave Ordered From Me In The Past Or Wish To Now...


Please contact me as I will renewing my order list on a first come, first served basis. Unfortunately most previous orders 'ave been lost so I'll need to reset it all. Also, my prices for custom orders will now be flexible, based on negotiation.

Women & Men of 'Ope's Reach-

The winter season is coming up. I'm able t'make a variety of 'andmade gifts for yourself or others. I can do small 'and-stitched felt creations, knit winter 'ats in your choice of color- even a matching set if you'd like in infant, child, or adult sizes. Also available is a limited choice of custom stockings. Always wanted a black and white one? Well, now's your chance!

Get those orders in, the feast will soon be upon us! For banquet delivery please order before October's end. For private courier delivery I will accept orders through November. Anything past that point will 'ave t' wait for the new year.

If you are looking for something more specific I didn't list please feel free t' ask. It never 'urts.

As usual there will be a discount should you 'ave any supplies (yarn, felt, fleece, etc) or items I'd want that you'd like t' use in trade.

-Miss Alyce Sharp,
Owner of Alyce's Bits and Bobbles

(OOG Note: At this time I'm not doing machine sewing or leather-working but there are other crafts I do that I'm not listing right now. Also, to clarify, sales are for IG coin unless you need something sent through the post.)

To clarify, this is the base I use as a jumping point for custom dolls. If you wish t' order a non-animal I will need a sketch or picture t' 'elp me with recreation.

These are some felt things I took pics of awhile back-
http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?id ... &aid=67518

and a hat example though I can make other styles too-
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =fbx_album

(Curse my broken camera- I wish I could post more/better pics. =/)