

I'm not making very good time lately, losing most of my branches and getting slowed down a lot while I regrow them.

You could probably come help if you wanted,

if not, I'm sure I'll get moving again eventually...

no hurry...

YES HURRY!! I promised I'd help you and I will.
Where are you? You can't be too far from Horizon by now.
I'm a few miles out from the wastes, in the grasslands. There's a tree nearby that knows me, do you know how to travel those paths?

I do not unfortunatly. I'm fairly certain I know someone who does though. I'll ask them.
- Ilana
I have a feeling this person you know is me. Great Avatar, I would be honored to help escort you to the area. I have traveled the Grasslands and I should know a few trees I'll be able to take a few people to meet you.

- Druid Asher