I'm Back!!


Hi Everyone! I'm Back!

I know, some of you will be saying "What? You were gone?" But yes, I have been, absent from NERO for a while, that is. I've moved--yes, again--back to new york since September, and needed the time to settle in again. But I'm good n' settled now and ready to start playing again. I'll be introducing my new gypsy this spring--hopefully--and I think she'll be lots of fun to play. I'm transitioning Kali into a mainly cold-weather character--all that fur and makeup gets hot in the summer! :P. So look for my furry alter ego when the weather starts getting chilly again.

And to all my friends at the Adventurer's Guild in Harrisburg--and to everyone else too!--in collaborations with my brother, I'll be boarding the WoW bandwagon within the next week-ish or so, and I'd love to get to play with you guys!!

Talk to y'all soon!
YIM: tarafey, sarr_kali, draconlady04
MSN: catdragon08