many people care. it's a natual human emotion. unless you were referring to people caring that I am bored.. in which case you are still probably wrong since i am a very neat person and those that do know me know how dangerous it is when i am bored. i could do things like post on message boards, day dream, fall asleep at my desk, write down how many seconds i have left until 5pm when i can elave and then cross them off as they go... the list is endless...
I sometimes like looking at the Latin names for animals for character inspiration. The electric eel isn't so inventive, though. It's Latin name is Electrophorus electricus.
I'd at least go for Resist Element for one Racial. Maybe Racial Slay (or Prof?) to simulate the jolt usually received from a real one.
my turn to be bored....good heavens...i asked my coworker if she had something i can do...sometimes i'm leery of asking my boss because then they find the CRAPPIEST job that hasn't been done in 20 years because no one has had the time....ugh...
Good grief. You would think that people would want their hands to get better, but NO, shopping is more important. Or...whatever it is they're doing when they're supposed to be here.