I'm new...sort of


Hello everyone,

I'm Rachel. I've been around the last few events, and have met a lot of you. I was an NPC at the last two weekend events, and the last game day. I have decided to try PCing for the first time this upcoming event, and I am really looking forward to playing.

I am really unsure on which cabin to sleep in, and how to best get involved with what is going on. I am really looking forward to being a Player Character in the first day of a new place and campaign, though. If you have answers or advice for me, please let me know.

I also would really appreciate a more experienced person hanging out with me for awhile before the game to figure out build points, which skills to choose, etc. If you would be willing, let me know what time you would be available. I plan to arrive around 5pm on Friday.

Thanks for your time,
For your character, you will want to work out what you want & send to the Logistics team this weekend so they have your character card ready for the event. While I probably can't offer face time before the event, there is probably someone in your area or you can use PMs.
On the plus side, if you put something together & find that the build does not fit what you want/like you get a free rebuild after the 1st event you play.

For cabin arrangements, I recommend putting a shout out on the In Game board as your player (I have to do this also, if I end up going to this event).
I would like to offer my help with figuring out what to spend build on. We can discuss it via PM or before the game.
Thanks for responding. Yes, I have emailed logistics, and am just waiting to hear back from them how many
Experience/Build Points I have.

I did put out a request for lodging on the Dreamscape. Is that what you meant?

Thanks, Shades for your offer. I will PM you.

I saw your e-mail. Sorry for not responding! I was waiting on a few pieces of correspondence before processing anything since the Oregon event and between then and now there have been a lot of logistics queries. I apologize for the delay in my response, I am working through them and should have everything sorted by tomorrow evening. :)