Immunne to waepon carries

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If you are immune to a weapon carrier does your armor take damage before you call no-effect?
If you have 30 Armor and get hit for 25 Flame from a sword, but you don't take flame damage, you would be down to 5 Armor. If you get hit for another 25 Flame, you'd ignore that attack, because you would either take the whole thing or none of it, so since you're immune to part of the attack, you take none of it, and would remain at 5 Armor.

That's how it was explained to me, anyways.
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I'm going to give a conflicting answer.

As I understand the rules, given his example, after the first hit, you would be down to 5 armor and after the second hit, you would be down to zero (0) armor.

You will say nothing (other than maybe "ouch" for role playing purposes) after the first hit and you will say "No Effect" after the second hit.

In explanation, you were immune to both attacks, but the first attack didn't hit you. It hit your armor, thus you didn't reveal your immunity. The second attack hit your armor and then powered through the protection of that armor to hit you. Since you were immune to the damage, you informed your opponent.

HQ Rules Marshal
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I'd agree with Mike. You give a "Got it," or make no comment, on the first hit. The second hit finishes your armor off, and you call "no effect" because the person would see the blow do no damage to the monster under the armor.

The "if you don't take part of the damage, you don't take any of it" doesn't quite fit the situation, because you *are* taking the damage to finish off your armor, even if it's less than the full damage of the swing to bring you to zero armor.
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ARB v1.2 said:
Page 73, Right Column, Threshold

For example: Fangthorn the troll has a
Threshold of 4, a suit of armor worth 10, and a
Shield spell and a Bless spell active, giving him
20 points of protection before damage will be
given to his body. He is attacked by Terin, who
is calling “three normal.” The first few hits from
Terin will remove Fangthorn’s Shield spell, the
next few will breach Fangthorn’s armor, and
the next will remove his Bless spell. After those
20 points are lost, Fangthorn will begin saying
“no effect” to the rest of Terin’s blows since
they are now affecting only his body.

Yay confusing and somewhat contradicting rules! :D ;)

The "3 normal" reduces the Shield Armor by 3 Armor points after the first hit. The second does 2 Shield Armor damage and 1 regular Armor damage. The next three hits reduce the Armor to 0.

Strike six does 3 damage to Bless Body. Then the seventh hit does 2 Bless Body damage and (technically) 1 to Body (which doesn't effect the Troll).

My interpretation of this paragraph (which is the only paragraph I could find on the subject) indicates that the Rules as Written supports Mike's and Lauren's assertion. All Armor is removed when a carrier starts to affect Body points.

SEA/ORE Marshal

P.S. Keep in mind the above is specific to Threshold. Therefore, Bless Body will be lost before affecting the Threshold of the monster. However, on page 111 for the description of Bless: "The Body Points added by a Bless spell act in all other ways as per normal Body Points (including interaction with other carrier effects)." and so will not be affected by a carrier the monster is otherwise immune to.
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